25 July 2012

Button Love

I am a collector.

Actually,  let me correct that.  I am a hoarder.

I hoard fabric, zippers, shoes, food (remind me to show you my pantries some day), books, jewellery...Let me sum it up by saying that if a certain class of objects gives me pleasure, you can be sure that I will buy a wide assortment.

This holds true with buttons as well.  I love buttons.  I love the shapes, the colours and the simple (but powerful) utilitarian nature of buttons.  
My earliest and fondest memory of buttons is probably one that is not unique to me.  My maternal grandmother had a tin, full of buttons.  There were dozens of buttons that had been removed from discarded articles of clothing.  She often gave me this tin to play with - dumping out buttons, putting in buttons, organizing buttons into little piles, feeling the smoothness of some and the roughness of others.  I loved that button tin (and the late grandmother that is so intimately associated with that memory).  To this day the sound of buttons rattling around in a old tin evokes such strong emotion in me.

So, I hoard buttons.

I store all my buttons in small plastic bags.  Each plastic bag holds a different set of buttons.  I so enjoy going through these buttons to find just the perfect match for a new garment that is hot off the machines.  It stirs up fond memories every time I open the button drawer in my sewing room.


Lilian said...

Oh yes, a tin (in my case: a box) of old buttons, that once belonged to grandmothers and aunts. My mother had one too and now I own it. It has a lot of unusable stuff in it but I just can't throw it away, and even use a button every now and then.
When I'm getting rid of clothes that are no longer wearable, I take of the buttons too... (But I started my own box).
Thanks for sharing this post, and the memory! You have some great buttons there!

Fran said...

I also love buttons and have many. We have a wonderful antique store in Rye NH where there are scores of them lovingly researched and mounted on oak tag with a description -- one of my favorite day trips.

Jane M said...

From one hoarder to another, I so understand the love. I've cut back on my button collection but always seem to find an alternative....most recently ribbon. These buttons are simply exquisite. A thing of beauty is a joy to behold just on its own.

Carolyn (Diary of a Sewing Fanatic) said...

You have some lovely buttons there! And from one collector to another I understand the emotions associated with the collecting.

Manitoulin Threads said...

For me, it was my grandmother's glass button jar. This enormous jar held hours of fun with sorting and exclaiming...and bet of all, I inherited it and I get to share it with my daughter.

Linda T said...

I, too, love buttons. You have some real beauties there!

Sew Wilde said...

I love all your buttons!! The coral ones are awesome!!!


Claire S. said...

I have 2 old tins, one from my mom the other from my grammy. There are some OLD buttons in there ! As a kid I spent a lot of time playing with them. Now, my buttons are all (mostly) sorted and organized, but those old tins are just a jumble - as they should be, I think !

Seraphinalina said...

Those are such pretty buttons. There are worse things to collect and I am glad to hear that they aren't too precious to use.

patti said...
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patti said...

Shannon, it is good to see you back blogging--missed you! I love all your buttons; a few years ago I wrote a Closures piece for Threads on my love affair with buttons (Issue 97)

pdiddly said...

gosh I suspect we all suffer from the same affliction I too love buttons and indeed have the button box previously owned by my mother, which my twin and I used to play with as small children. I even have all her buttons that were in there when she died.

poppykettle said...

Wow. Some of those buttons are amazing. No wonder you collect them!

Steph said...

So glad you are back blogging -- Love all of those shiny buttons!! I too remember my grandmother's button collection,but it was more utilitarian than pretty. Enjoy your embellishments.

Carol said...

I'm with you on this. I actually have a collection of fishing tackle boxes with little compartments and I frequently go through and fondle the buttons. It's sad, I know, but I love it!

Anonymous said...

I'm a collector as well.. :) so I get it.

did you say pantr'ies'... drool! picture please? no hurry.. i'd love to see it someday!

Anne H said...

That is really interesting. You are a very talented blogger.Really looking forward to read more.

Vicki said...

Me too! My paternal grandmother had a button box and I just so loved to line up those buttons. Good to see the tradition is still being kept by others.

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