Size: size 8
Fabric: Medium weight cotton (that looks just like linen) with an orange floral leaf pattern from Fabricland (a Canadian chain fabric store).
Project Photo:

Comments: Originally, I had planned on making this dress up in formal fabric. However, I figured first I better sew up a (hopefully) wearable muslin since the lines of this design are such that I didn't see any way to fix any major fitting problems after the dress was in progress. So, I rooted around in my fabric cupboard and found this fabric. I bought it on clearance at a local fabric store and got it for a song - so if things turned disastrous, I wasn't out a load of loot.
In the end, I'm glad I didn't go straight for the good fabric as there was one major fitting issue. The largest problem is with the neckline being far too wide for my shoulders, which causes the straps to constantly slip down my arm. If I make this dress again I will be reducing the width of the centre front panel and increasing the width of the side panels. This should keep the straps on my shoulders where they belong. Otherwise, the dress fits nicely every where else.
One change I made from the original pattern was to hem the dress right at the knee instead of part way down the calf. At the longer length, the dress was a bit too matronly and unflattering. The other change was that instead of using facings around the neckline and arms, I lined the entire dress in a fine cotton batiste. Essentially, I just made a second dress out of the batiste and joined the fashion fabric and the batiste at the neckline and armsyces.
ETA: A few commenters have asked if I "slimmed down" the skirt to make it more narrow, as it looks fuller in the drawing on the pattern envelope. I did not - the skirt is made exactly as the pattern specifies. I think the illustrator took a bit of creative license when creating the envelope art!
This dress is not a loss however. I can still wear it to work with a cardigan over top of it and the sweater should provide enough friction to keep the straps in their proper position.
Conclusion: A nice dress that requires a few tweaks to get it perfect.