Well, I do. It doesn't happen very often, but when it does, look out, it's a doozy.
I know some of you are wondering about my lack of blogging and my long absence from discussion boards and other sewing related outlets. (Actually, let me take this opportunity to thank everyone that has sent emails inquiring as to my whereabouts - I appreciate that you care enough about me to take the time to write. It touches me so deeply that people I have never formally met can become such wonderful friends.) I guess I just needed a break from the world. I can't take a break from my family (they seem to find me wherever I try to hide!) or from my job (gotta pay the bills, you know), so the only other choice was to take a break from sewing and blogging. Something had to give and unfortunately, my cherished hobbies ended up being collateral damage in my need for some down time. It has been at least three months since I really had the drive to sew and I haven't bought nor have I had the desire to buy any fabric in ages (gasp! now you know I'm a mess!). Hence, the blog silence - what was there to blog about?
Well, I'm tentatively starting to feel like myself again. I miss sewing and I miss blogging and most of all, I miss interacting with my sewing sisters. I have no one in my daily life that sews, so my long distance friends (all of you) are very important to me. I have a few projects in mind for my triumphant (I hope) return to the sewing sphere. Unfortunately, this weekend is all about painting the LR, DR and kitchen, so don't expect much just yet.
To prove that I am clawing my way out of my funk, I leave you with the some of the best medicine to turn a girl around and make her love life again. Check out the latest additions to my shoe wardrobe - Naturalizer has been offering some really nifty shoe designs the last few seasons and this fall is no exception.