The year started with a huge upheaval at my hubby's place of work that is still is the process of heaving. Although Chrysler Canada did not declare bankruptcy like its US counterpart, this year has still been one filled with long work hours, too little man power and mucho stress for him. But, hey, on the bright side, he got a huge promotion. Without the accompanying pay raise. Woo frickin' hoo.
Then my mother in law was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease and it has progressed rapidly to the point that she is incapable of doing much of anything for herself. So, more stress for hubby and his family.
Shortly after that, Simon started with his medical problems - the extraction of two broken teeth, wart removal, a stomach ulcer, a cancer scare (which was false alarm - whew!), a back injury and now potentially, liver disease or Cushing's disease*. I literally lay awake some nights filled with anxiety.
So, to say that 2009 will not be missed is an understatement.
One of the casualties of all this trauma and drama has been my sewing mojo. It went AWOL in September and I haven't heard from it since. Prior to my unplanned sewing hiatus, things were clipping along nicely though, so my stats for the year aren't too pathetic:

* I used up 114.10 m (125 yards) of fabric from my stash this year.
* I only bought 108.30 m (118 yd), so I actually reduced my stash a smidge this year. This is unprecedented!
* My favourite garment of the year is the dress you see to the left (you can relive the moment here).
So, that's it. I wish I had more to tell. Hopefully, my mojo will come limping back home in the near future, as I'm starting to feel a bit stabby.**
* I don't have his test results yet - I'll update when I do.
** See definition #1 and only definition #1. You're gonna look at them all aren't you? Well, don't say I didn't warn you.
I'm with you on not missing 2009 in the least little bit. Let's get on to 2010, it HAS to be better. Fingers crossed for your puppy.
I'm sorry that 2009 has been such a shit for you. That was my 2008, but I know too many people who feel similarly about this year. I really hope 2010 is better and that your sewing mojo comes home from hiatus soon.
I wasn't going to look at all the definitions until you mentioned it, :)
I hope 2010 is much better for you and for us all. I hope Simon's test results are good.
Maybe you should buy a new pattern, some new fabric and start the New Year sewing yourself a beautiful thing. It can't hurt!
Wow! I'm amazed how much you accomplished!
I hope this next year is a much better one for you and your family.
Shannon, here's hoping 2010 will be better for you and your family. I am amazed you completed 73 garments. That is quite an accomplishment.
You made many beautiful garments this year, and if 2010 can only be better... watch out for Shannon!
Keeping my fingers crossed for Simon.
I hear you! Here is to 2010--a better year!
I love your top pick dress too!!
Woo!! That was funny...especially the stabby definitions...classic...looks like there is no where to go but win some years and some are challenging but I am sure that you are going to have an awesome year in 2010 so chin's goin to be allright!!!
ROTFLOL ~ ummm I'm loving definition number 3 ~ might have to spread that one around! *LOL*
I'm sorry that this has been a horrid year for you and I hope that the new year & decade brings you blessings upon blessings.
And that dress is one of my favorites of yours too...hopefully your mojo will return soon!
Fabulous dress. So very Prada.
Here's to a much, much better 2010. Best wishes
I had a mixed 2009 with the high point right at the end with the birth of our first grandchild. Hopefully we'll both have a great 2010.
Hope 2010 will make you feel less stabby, as in definition #1 that is!!! Sorry you have had a crappy year, but hats off to you for managing to keep your sense of humour (on your blog at least!).
74 garments is an amazing accomplishment! If I manage to get half as many made next year I will be happy - that might just have to be my new years resolution, to make as many garments as Shannon made in 09!! :-)
Fingers crossed for Simon, my dog is getting on in years and has slowed down considerably, she is almost 14. So far she hasn't suffered any major health problems but with old age usually comes all those things, we are prepared for it but aren't looking forward to having to make any difficult decisions if she is suffering. She has been an important part of our lives since she was 5 weeks old, she even emigrated with us!
Here's to a better year next year, cheers.
Oy vey, I so agree with you! Although some good things happened in 2009, it has been a sucky year overall. May 2010 be better for all of us!!!
lol, you MADE me look! Well, I hope 2010 is a great year for you,hubby and Simon.
2009 has been the crappers for certain. Where I still work, 75% of the work force has been let go w/o a snowball's chance in hell in coming back anytime soon at all. I am in awe that I still job. My mom was placed in a nursing facility because she has Alheimer's as well. That tore me in two. My doxie managed to pull her chest muscles really bad while having one of her many seizures, she got a massive infection from a thorn, and just lately she had a whale of a tummy ache from dumpster diving. Yeah, 2009 has been a sadistic bitch. It can go now. 2010 will be much better for us all...I pray and hope.
Sit back, close your eyes, relax and try to tune in to the good thoughts I'm sending to you. I certainly hope things turn around for you and your family - and Simon.
Wishing that 2010 brings many good things to you, your DH, and Simon and that you can all soon forget about the crap that was 2009.
Oh, it's good to have a word for what I've been feeling lately... "stabby". That's it! Hope 2010 is better for everyone!
I'm sure 2010 will be much better for you and your family!
Happy New Year!!!
2009 has been a crappy year for many of it it seems, I'm no exception! Wishing you all the very best for 2010
This year was tough for me too, but I'm looking forward to the next one. I love your dress, and I do hope everything turns out with your little Simon. Good luck!
I hope your results for Simon tell you what the problem is. Like I wrote before, Calli, my 12+ yr old beagle has Cushings and is doing just need to treat and monitor closely. And she also has a bladder tumor to boot but you would never know Do Not Give Up! Tina
I hope for you and yours a wonderful 2010. Sometimes when bad things strike, it takes a while to adjust. It takes a while to realize where all the good things are hidden. (Even tho some of the good things might be a lot smaller than the bad things, I like to concentrate on them, especially when trying to fall asleep at night.) Be strong, you two. And, may you have a magical new year!
Hoping 2010 is a much better year for you, hubby and Simon!!
My goodness you are crazy productive! I hope you have a better 2010!
I truly hope that next year is so much better for you all!
I'm so sorry you've had such a terrible year. I hope 2010 is much better for you. Best of luck to your furkid, too.
73 garments is not to sneeze at! Here's to a happy and prosperous new year for you.
I hear you on 2009 - I'm not sorry to see it go either. Good riddance!
Here's to a wonderful 2010! Best wishes to you and yours!!
That dress is absolutely gorgeous and you look wonderful in it. I am sure that very soon you will be making lots more beautiful things. Wishing you a happy 2010.
That was my fave project of yours too I think!! I hope Simon's test results come back with good news! Of course we want him all better too.
And HA! 2009 was definitely a peckerhead to you. But you didn't even mention the end of BSG and the suckfest that was THAT whole weekend. (just kdding, it compares not at a whit to the rest of your year, bless you!) 2008 was my peckerhead year.
Girl in 2010 we turn 40!! I say we go to Cabo. What say you? Think we can convince a bunch of other sewing bloggers for a meet and greet over margaritas? With birthday crowns?
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