31 December 2009

Out With the Old...

Last year, I made two resolutions:
  • Get back in shape. I still have 10 pesky pounds that need to go. I will get on the treadmill at least 3 times per week, I will weight lift and do flexibility training at least once a week each.
  • I am only allowed to spend money on my hobby if I earn it. For every hour spent exercising, I will get $10 to spend on fabric, notions and the like. No movey the body, no spendy the money!
I totally rocked resolution #2 - I did not spend a dime on sewing stuff that I didn't earn by exercising. Yay me!

Unfortunately, resolution #1 started with a bang and ended with a whimper. I was the queen of cardio and weight training until September, at which time my life exploded into a million smithereens. The thought of exercising was not nearly as appealing as sitting on my ass. So, on my ass I sat. But, it could be worse. I had hoped to lose 10 pounds and that didn't happen, but at least I didn't gain any significant weight.

Now it's time for this year's vows and I think I'm going to stick pretty much with the same theme as last year, with a few tweaks:
  • 14 for 40: I want to lose 14 pounds (or 14 inches, whatever comes first) by my 40th birthday in May. I will get on the treadmill at least three times per week, I will weight lift and do flexibility training at least once a week each.
  • Exerci$e Makes Cents: Last year, I decided that I was only allowed to spend money on my hobby if I earned it. For every hour spent exercising, I got $10 to spend on fabric, notions and the like. This year, I will keep to these rules, but I will add nail polish into my hobby expenditures definition.
  • Bash the Stash: I did so well last year with curbing my stash acquisition (I actually used more stash than I bought - how novel!), that I will continue to purchase sparingly. But, hey if it calls my name, it will be mine, mwah ha ha ha...rubbing hands together...
2010, please be gentle.


mermaids said...

i like your resolutions. good luck! like most people who sew, i am also trying to reduce the stash. i have become much more discriminating when buying fabric. i will not join "no more fabric" brigade because if there is a really special piece, i don't want to feel guilty for buying it.

Unknown said...

Good luck, I think your resolutions are totally do-able! I tried the "exercise first, sewing second" approach, but fell off the wagon. If I connect the $$ to it, maybe I will stick to it better!

meredithp said...

I love your resolutions! You ARE being firm with yourself: nail polish?! You're tough.

And I agree with your last post. 2009 sucked. I have a job for now(barely, with a big pay cut in the middle), but DH does not.

I have never done it, but I am going to have negative stash aquisition in 2010!

Faye Lewis said...

I like your goals/resolutions. I really need to adopt the exercise one for myself.

E said...

Next year must be better! very nice the new look of the blog, all my support for Simon!

Carolyn (Diary of a Sewing Fanatic) said...

Can I just say that I'm so proud of you for sewing more from your collection than adding to it. I am envious for sure!!!

I hope and pray that 2010 will be better for you, your family and Simon too!

Mary Beth said...

Whimsical writing style! love it, lots. Folks who make and keep their NY resolutions frighten me...!

Am waiting (not breathlessly) to hear about Mr Simon. Patch and Gaely are too; we're all hoping for a good solid diagnosis and treatment this new year.

Meg said...

I hear you about the stress your husband is going through. Hang in there! Happy New Year and looking forward to hearing more from you in 2010!

Anonymous said...

Believe me, I understand being under so much stress that you just want to curl up under a blanket and switch off, but I have found that venting my frustration on my exercise bike can really help to even out ones mental state. I also have a TV set up in front of my bike - mindless distraction while still maintaining the moral high ground (I'm Exercising!) is a welcome respite. Here's hoping that 2010 brings better days!

Summerset said...

Happy New Year! Many wishes for a much better new year than old year.

Ann Made Studio said...

Wishing you and your family all the very best in the New Year!

(Try the P90x work out. It's addictive or maybe it's just a form of insanity ..but trust me it truly works :))


Vicki said...

Good luck with the resolutions:) Happy New Year!

Teddylyn said...

Best wishes for a better 2010! I always enjoy seeing what you have made from stash or new aquisitions. I hope you find your mojo and share more creations. I'm sure the stress of life outside the sewing studio has been difficult...sew when you want to!

Sandra said...

As I read this post I remembered this post http://hungryzombiecouture.blogspot.com/2009/01/old-dog-new-tricks.html of earlier this year.

While I totally get that there was probably neither time nor mood for the 40 chapter calculus book, I am still curious whether you ever got around picking the book up for a little bit in the beginning of this year.

Because I remember being rather impressed by that resolution; so much so that I had planned to go through a couple of my old college books.
I got as far as to take them out... and then dust just them off every so often... :)

How about you?

Anonymous said...

Here's to a better 2010! Happy New Year!

Maggie said...

Shannon, I love the paying yourself for exercising bit. That's on my short list as of right now! Great incentive.

JoanneM said...

Great resolutions.......like your approach with the incentives. Well done!

NancyDaQ said...

Here's to a great 2010!

Elizabeth said...

Oh, now I get it! I always wondered about the time spent/money eaned and now I understand. What a novel way of getting the job done!

amber said...

Here's to a fabulous 2010!

Nancy Winningham said...

You crack me up! You have some great goals this year. I think my goal may be to set no goals! (just kidding)
Have a happy New Year. And, bTW, how is Simon doing?