22 June 2008

Pain in the Back

So, I finally start thinking seriously about sewing again and wouldn't you know it, the universe steps in to put me in my place. Damn you, universe!! (picture me shaking my fist at the sky in righteous indignation)

Yesterday, whilst moving a wall fountain, I did a number on my lower back - if truth be told, it's actually my left hip. As I lifted the fountain, I felt a twinge and then a huge blossom of warm pain. I literally yelped because it hurt so much. I managed to set down the fountain and hobble my way into the house to inform my husband that I had managed to inflict damage upon myself. I think I pinched a nerve something fierce and all day yesterday I could barely sit down, stand, climb the stairs or breathe without pain shooting up my back and down my left leg. Today, I am much better, but I still have some residual creaks and groans - although I do think I am well on my way to recovery.

So, all I have to say is "what the _ _ _ _?" (insert whatever four letter word tickles your fancy). I just turned 38 - how on Earth did I get so old, so fast, that my body is already falling to bits? Man alive, I figured I would have at least 10 more years before stuff like this happened. Blech!

I think my major problem is that I have gained some weight (8 lbs) over the last 6 months and it's not sitting well. To say that I am not happy about my gain in weight is an understatement. Eight pounds on me is a 7% increase in my body mass - not a good thing. So, I have decided that starting today, I am going to start treating myself better - better eating habits, more exercise and a more all around healthful existence. I guess all it took was a pain in the @ss to get me motivated!

To help me in my journey, I have started using Diet Power again - I love this program (I am in no way affiliated with Diet Power, I am just a happy customer - it was my major motivator during my 40 lb weight loss a few years back). This program allows you to track food intake and exercise. If you choose a weight loss program, it estimates your caloric intake on a daily basis and adjusts to keep you headed toward your goal. For me, keeping a close eye on my daily calorie budget is a must if I wish to be successful.

So, for anyone else interested in a more healthy lifestyle, feel free to join me in my quest. I know I can do this - it's just a matter of motivation and keeping an eye on my goal.


Clare said...

Sorry to hear about your injury - hope you continue on the mend. Good luck with the weight loss - I am struggling with mine, having had an inital good start, it is creeping back on.

Carol said...

Sorry to hear you've injured your back. Now is the time to get exercising, your bones will thank you. I learned in recent years that weight bearing exercise builds bone tissue and will help you stay stronger and fitter longer, no matter how old you are when you start. At 42 I commenced regular training. I now do two to three pump classes per week, train with a personal trainer once and do at least one but trying for two cardio sessions, either running or a cycle class. I've kept it up for a few years now and feel stronger and healthier than I did at 30. Good luck with your healthy lifestyle plan. I know you'll feel great.

Dana said...

Ooooo, ouch. I'm so glad you're feeling better already.

I second your thoughts about losing weight. Haven't heard of Diet Power, but the just by counting calories I was able to lose weight against all the odds (age, medication, etc.) Hope it works for you again!

Vicki said...

Good for you - I have found that the only way I can successfully lose weight is by calorie counting. That way you don't have to diet, just be aware of how many calories you are eating. Those few pounds should be gone in a few short weeks.

Hope the back is feeling better soon. What a pain!!

Anonymous said...

Having lost almost 90 pounds since last summer, I found that what worked for me was limiting my portions and giving up all bread, pasta, potatoes, rice & sweets. I am smaller now than I have been in the past 30 years. It has really helped my poor health to stabilize. Sorry about the ouchee and hope you will begin to feel better soon.

Maggie said...

Shannon, So sorry about the back. It will feel better soon though. As to exercise, I swear by water aerobics. I was out of shape and last year joined a YMCA. It is really fun. I like the water because it's cooling rather than the hot sweaty stuff. But the jumping around burns lots of calories like swimming does. It's also easy on the joints. Good luck with the dieting, oops, calorie counting.

Gwen said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your back / hip. I hope you feel better soon! And thanks for the pointer to Diet Power. I haven't heard of it before and really need to do something myself... I might join you...

Becky said...

Ouch. Glad it's starting to feel better already, and hope you're sitting easier (and sewing again!) very soon.

Carolyn (Diary of a Sewing Fanatic) said...

Sorry to hear about your injury and I hope that you are feeling better soon!

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about your back pain. I hope the hip (sounds like saitica (sp?) pain) takes care of itself easily.

I'm with you on the calorie counting and getting back to taking care of yourself. g

Anonymous said...

Eesh. I had the same sort of thing happen to my ankle a ways back and I know the feeling. If you are looking for a good cook book, I recommend the South Beach 30 minute meal book. I hate myself for loving south beach. It seems so cheesy. I don't want a south beach bod - I want a not tired, not falling apart bod. Anyway, the recipes are actually really good - great even - and they nearly all use the same oven temp so they can cook simultaneously. Best of luck. I am down 12 pounds and counting!

Carla said...

So sorry to hear about your injury. Do be careful. Sometimes these "minor" injuries can turn into major ones if not given time to heal.

Paula said...

This is all a sign...you should have been sewing instead of fountain-moving! Seriously, hope it feels better fast. You are going to bounce back at 38 much faster than when you're 58 or something! I just downloaded the trial version of Diet Power...what a great program for us computer geeks! I love the nutritional graphs, etc. I'm going to try to stick with it until I feel like I should order it (saving pennies right now). Thanks for the review!

Anonymous said...

oh no! Sorry to hear about your back trouble Shannon. And I can totally sympathise with the not sewing!? Ugh.

I'm sure if you follow your diet and fitness plan you'll feel better in yourself, but the thing that struck me was that you probably didn't warm up. I know of so many people who have wrenched various parts of their backs simply by going into a lift cold. Literally! If you know you are going to be 'exercising' or doing sport, you'd warm up, but people don't think of it for single moving or lifting tasks.

And I agree that although you'll start to heal quickly, don't overdo too soon, it can come back and bite you in the bum!

Meantime... can we have a tour of your stash, please!? I'd like to know more about the fabric you aren't sewing - is too special to use, orphans without matching things, saved for some future project... ??? And hopefully petting all your nice fabric will make you feel better!


LauraLo said...

Oh Shannon, I'm sorry, back injuries can be quite bad! Do take really good care of you! My best wishes of health and a big hug.

Peggy said...

Thanks for the heads up about the diet power program. I downloaded a trial run yesterday and it was a real eye-opener. Here I was thinking I was so virtuous and at the same time wondering why the scale was creeping in the wrong direction- Duh!

angie.a said...

Oh no! Take it easy for a few days. Back pain is the Worst. It hurts no matter what you try to do and its miserable. :( Hope you feel better soon!

I've been trying to do better in the health department too. I started walking again this week, altho it was so hot. LOL. Need to start early/later and not when it's so hot so I can go further! Thanks for the Diet Power tip, I'll go check it out!

Tany said...

I hope you feel better soon; I had some recurring back pain some years ago (and I'm 37 btw) and I know how disturbing they can be. If you feel better already I'm sure it's not serious.
About weight gain: I'm also working on it: I imposed myself a almost daily exercise routine and I'm also controlling my appetite for chocolate (my worst sin, lol)

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your weight loss journey. Diet Power sounds really sensible and very similar to Sparkpeople.com, which I used a couple years ago to lose 50+ pounds. It's really all about balancing calories in vs calories out, and I, too, work well when I have a target calories range to stay in. It helps to make those "chocolate now or a glass of wine later?" choices!

Trudy said...

There is an awesome book and dvd called Pain Free by Pete Egosgue. I highly recommend you check it out. It will line up your body, release the muscles, and get rid of the pain. My husband has two herniated disks, and their techniques keep him out of pain. Their program helps any problem with the body.

Anonymous said...

Hi Shannon. I highly recommend something called Erase Your Back Pain by Malton Schexneider if you still have problems. It is the only thing that worked for my slipped disc..it's fantastic. He is in the top 5% of all physical therapists world wide and has a 90% success rate...so it's worth a look. Good luck!