I have a preliminary plan for my summer sewing all laid out and I present it here for your viewing pleasure. It is based on a teal/lime/aqua/yellow colour scheme. I was so inspired by Audrey and the beautiful colours she has chosen to sew lately (if you haven't checked out her work, you do not know what you're missing - she is an exceptional seamstress). Unfortunately, I can't wear pastels as well as she can, so for the most part, I went with more saturated and intense colours. All year long, I wear autumn colours (brown, rust, mustard, green, terracotta), so in the summer it's nice to sew up a bunch of brights that aren't my norm.

I also have a coral/orange plan in the works too, although it's not as fleshed out yet. You'll notice that I am rather spotty with the pattern choices at this point - hopefully, over the next while I'll figure out what those fabrics are destined to become.
Now, all I need is some student-free days and some motivation. I expect both will be in vast supply on June 26th at 2:25 p.m. I just pray to all that is good, that I make it 'til then without killing anyone!
I thought school was where you've been for a while! I so totally know how you feel - school finished last Friday for us, and those last weeks seemed like a very long time. Besides the usual pandamonium of finals, grades, graduation, etc., I also had to clean out my room and document all my responsibilities/pass the baton because I'm not teaching in the fall.
Just one more week - you can make it. Let's just hope the students do, too.
oh shannon, you fabric and color scheme is taking my breathe away,,, SIGH!
Shannon, I am really likeing your fabric, colors and patterns. Can't wait to see your creations.
I'm looking forward to your break too! Can't wait to see you creations.
Wow! You plan to make all those pieces in one summer!!! I am impressed!
Oh, what great, fresh colours!
June 26th? Yikes! I haven't seen students for over two weeks! Hope you start really late in the fall.
I love your colors! Is this wardrobe for work? If so, what do you wear for play? Also, You'll probably post this soon anyway, but where do you purchase your solid knits? I need some solid tops but can't seem to get them because the prints are so gorgeous!
You have great plans, enjoy your summer.
Pretty colors. I tend to gravitate to pretty much the same ones. When we first met, dh, used to comment on how his ds would wear pastels, hinting that I might want to follow suit. I DID resort to a few more lighter colors, but like you, I'm more comfortable in saturated colors. I especially like red!
As for school, I know in the east they attend into June, but gosh, my kids have been OUT of school for a month already! Of course, they return Aug 11.
Blues look great! I am curious as to the casual aspect of the patterns, since I haven't followed the blog for a full round of seasons! Can't wait to see!
Love both color schemes, you have a lot of plans! Look forward to seeing you sewing again.
I like your summer sewing plan. Lovely colors.
I'm glad that you are almost free and so jealous of the 9.5 weeks to sew that I can't breathe!
However, you have picked some amazing pieces of fabric (alot that I recognize!) and will have some really kewl garments by the time school starts!
Hang in there...it will be Wednesday before you know it!!!
I have some of your Burda choice on my sewing list, too! I am looking forward to seeing your storyboard come to life! Linda
Both your colour schemes are to die for! Can I be jealous of your stash? :)
So I am finally catching up on blog reading and see this post. Thank you for the lovely compliments. They means a lot coming from you, as your work is beautiful and you know so well what works for you in style and color. I was wondering what was keeping you busy. Your school year lasts much longer than ours. Your fabrics are beautiful. I can't wait to see them made up in the styles you have chosen. I hope you have a speedy recovery from your back/hip injury and are back to sewing soon!
Fabulous color scheemes! I am looking forward to seeing your summer wardrobe come to life!
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