9 October 2011

Finally, Malware Warning Free

Well, I'm back in business - no more stinky malware warnings.  Wahoo!

So, here's what hubby & I believe happened.  A blog I followed seems to have been infected by some nasty bug.  And any blog that linked to it (and was recently scanned by Google's bug detectors) was also flagged as containing or distributing malware.  When I removed this blog from my blog roll, I thought I was in the clear.  But, Google still said I had malware issues.  Then hubby realized that I may have had comments that linked back to this blog.  So, I had to go through my almost 7000 comments to delete any links.  Now, I have the all clear from Google.

Unfortunately, in trying to track down the issue, I lost all my blog formatting - all the custom colours and fonts that I had put together to make my blog look the way it did.  So, for now, I have a different look (not that anyone  that reads in a blog reader would notice :)  ), but at least I'm back up and running.  Halleluiah!


What-I-Found said...

Congrats, and welcome back!
i'm sure it was a pain to do all that work, but at least it's over.

Eileensews said...

Glad you are back. Show us what you've been up to house and sewingwise.

Nancy said...

Glad you're back - I enjoy your blog and was concerned with all the malware warnings!

KC said...

Congrats on beating the malware! I envy your 7000 comments, but not your having to sift through them all.

Toby Wollin said...

Whew. So glad you got all weeded out. That stuff is horrible.

elizabeth said...

Whew....I worried and wondered. So glad you're back up and running. Sew what else is new? Totally moved in yet?

Naptime Seamstress said...

I had the issue too - but mine seemed to go away when I took my blog roll off my blog.

Glad you're back! I sew vicariously through your blog! *L*

Nancy K said...

Mazel tov! You and another blog I read had the same issue. I'm glad that you figured it out.

okie2thfairy said...

Glad to hear you found the cause. Hope my email wasn't redundant and helped. I had noticed her site was corrupt a while back but don't know how to reach her.

The Hojnackes said...

I'm glad you got it back! I know formatting everything is no fun.

Jane M said...

So very glad that you are back. This malware thing is annoying since it seems so difficult to locate and repair. Thanks for your persistence. hope you are also geting to enjoy the ne sewing space and home.

Seraphinalina said...

Welcome back!

Anonymous said...

I am glad you are back. I really like your clothing style and especially when you model the clothes as I am the same height you are!!


Also love the lily flower pictures!

Karin said...

The same thing happened to me! It also seemed to have something to do with sewhotmommi, but I couldn't figure it out. I gave up and deleted the whole thing because I didn't understand it fully and couldn't be sure. I am very impressed that you sorted out! Well done!

shams said...

Wow, what a task. Glad you were able to fix it, though! Also glad to hear what caused the problem.

Jillybejoyful said...

Shannon - thanks so much for letting me know you're now malware free - WHAT a relief!

I'm so sorry for those who've lost their blogs :( It sounds like persistence can pay off - I look forward to reading more from you :)

Ann Made Studio said...

So Nice to see you are back up!

ReaderRita said...

Oh good grief- you had to search through 7000 comments? You deserve a medal. Or a glass of wine. Or both!
What the hell- throw in some chocolate as well. ;)
Glad to have you back!

Janine said...

Karin from Making the Seam had the same trouble and had to delete her whole blog and start afresh ! Awful and scary to think about. Glad you have sorted out these troubles.

SewRuthie said...

I had a link to that blog too, not sure if I had any comments referencing it though :-( Wonder if I have the same problem too?

marysews said...

I am happy to say that I resubscribed to your blog! Yay!

Mardel said...

Glad you are up and running again. I'll check in occasionally. I'm packing.

Laura UK said...

Delighted to find you are back; hope all else has been going well for you. Laura UK

ReaderRita said...

Oh, I fear we have lost you- are you still out there?
Hope every thing is okay, and that your Hallowe'en was incredible!

Anonymous said...

We want to see what you're producing in your beautiful new room! I hope all is well with you and that you'll blog again soon-

French_Seam said...

Shannon, you haven't posted for TWO months. Come back. That's an order missy