21 February 2011


In response to my last post, I got many a question about the elevator and the "hers" closet expansion.  So, let me set the record straight.

Yes, the plans do call for an elevator.  However, for right now, we are having the elevator shaft roughed in, but it will be fully enclosed and used as pantry space on the first floor and extra linen closet space on the second floor.  If the day ever comes that hubby or I cannot manage the stairs, we will have the elevator actually installed.  We are trying to think ahead as to our needs with this house and the possibility of increased accessibility in the years to come was a factor in the choice of this plan.

As for the "hers" closet expansion.  It is a 20'8"x6' (ETA: the architect redesigned the closet space, so now it is 20'8"x8'4" - oh, yeah baby, I may actually sleep in there on occasion!) extension that runs the length of the garage beneath and it does have a window at the far end.  Isn't it splendid?  Surely you don't have enough clothing to fill a closet that big, you might be asking.  Well, not quite yet...but I have big plans for the future.  At some point, I'm planning on hosting a tea party for my dearest girlfriends in there.  Tea, surrounded by shoes...quelle magnifique, non?

P.S.  Nice job on yesterday's title source folks.  There are a lot of My Fair Lady fans out there!


a little sewing said...

LOL!! Now that I know there is a garage beneath the closet, it makes sense. In fact, it it brilliant (especially having a window at the end).

I hadn't noticed the elevator, but seems like a smart move. I had a friend go through this once and I saw how stressful it was for her. She was overwhelmed with all the choices. But I predict it will be worth it in the long run!

K2 said...

I cheated on the title of yesterday's post. I googled it. And now you know my dirty secret.

Your closet extension reminds me of my Grandmother's closet in her attic/upstairs. She had about three foot knee walls in the attic so she put dressers against the wall then hung the clothes in front of the dressers. That way she had storage for seasonal clothing or things she didn't need often that was out of the way and safe from moths. I always thought it was a clever solution to use every bit of usable space.

cidell said...

My very good friends have an elevator in their house. It's three stories with the bedroom on the top and the laundry on the bottom. It was retroactively put in so there was structural damage to their neighbors home. It's good to go ahead and rough it in.

Tania said...

I immediately understood your need for a super-long wardrobe extension - it makes complete sense to me!
I think you'll need the elevator installing right away so that you can get your stash from ground level to the fabric closet. ;o)

Marie-Christine said...

Very wise, the elevator plan! As all my grandparents have had to move downstairs in their old age, I heartily agree that it's quite difficult to actually die while in shape to use the stairs. However you might consider what some of my friends did - an industrial sort of elevator, which can be lowered without power. That means when there's an earthquake/tornado, you aren't trapped upstairs in your house...

Beth H said...

What a wonderful idea! We need an elevator at a far younger age than we would have ever imagined. Congratulations for planning ahead.

Maggie said...

What a wondderful ideato put in an elevator! We had to leave our beautiful two story when hubby's knee gave out...in his 40's by the way! The replacement was a couple of decades away so here we are in our "ranch". And the closet it a stroke of genius too.

Susannah said...

My best friend's parents installed their elevator in their 50's thinking it would go unused for a couple of decades. They ended up using it all the time for moving heavy things upstairs... Your home is going to be beautiful!

Anonymous said...

The elevator shaft is a fabulous idea. It's less expensive and less stressful to install an elevator than it is to be forced out of your home by health issues. We may need one in the near future and have figured out where to install it in our home. We don't want to move. Enjoy building. It's very fun.

ReaderRita said...

The elevator is brilliant! Kudos for thinking ahead.
On the closet extension however, I personally would enlarge the entire closet, so it doesn't get too cold or hot in the "peninsula". But perhaps that's just me, thinking like a US midwesterner with an under-insulated second floor...

Anonymous said...

I love the idea of a tea party in your closet! Brilliant. :)