27 March 2010

Pick on Me Instead

Am I the only one that is flabbergasted and royally irked by the email that Ann, of Gorgeous Fabrics, received from a customer?  Ann is seriously ill, undergoing chemo treatments, running a business and nurturing a family life (while maintaining a much, much better attitude than I would ever have in the same situation).  And, someone feels the need to make assumptions about her political views and then strong arm her because of those supposed political views.  Holy crap!  What is the matter with people these days?

So, if anyone else has the desire to stick it to Ann, pick on me instead.*  And, in case you need some ammo, here goes:

(1)  If I was an American citizen, I would have gladly voted for Obama.
(2)  I believe women have the right to obtain safe, legal abortions.
(3)  I believe gay couples have the right to legal marriage.
(4)  I believe all people have the right to medical care.
(5)  I believe all people have the right to their political views without the risk of persecution.

*Not that Ann needs my help.  She is one of the fiercest women I have ever had the good fortune of running across.  She is a complete class act all the way and I hope to grow up to be just like her - gracious and thoughtful, with a deep reserve of fortitude and inner strength.  Team Ann, Woo Hoo!


Katie said...

You are the coolest girl ever! I love it! Sorry, I know you were kinda hoping I was gonna pick on you...keep fighting the good fight & posting those fabulous clothes you sew! You rock!

Barbara said...

Well if anyone is going to pick on you kiddo then line me up too with you. If there were check marks on your list I would have checked each one off too. Great post.

DJ said...

I just love your blog! And Ann now has a new customer.

Mariela Alethia said...

I am in total agreement with Barbara, line me up too and leave Ann aloneeeeeee.

peripatetic33 said...

1 agree 2 agree 3 agree 4 agree 5 agree THANK YOU
I think that most of the time people who feel this way do not feel the need to announce it, they just live it. While people who feel the opposite are obsessed with blaming and controlling others for everything in life so they spend their time lashing out in anger to avoid looking in their own closet.

A Peppermint Penguin said...

What you said.

There doesn't seem to be open comments on Ann's site, so I hope she'll pop in here. Great attitude - I couldn't pull off any of those looks in any state of health!

And good on you Shannon, for all you do and stand for.


Sherril said...

I too was surprised at how controlling that letter to Ann was. I agree, Ann is certainly capable of taking care of herself. But still, why would someone take it upon themselves to write such a discriminatory letter? Are we now going to be facing political bigotry as well? With a side serving of racism?

sewcrazy said...

I don't ask if the businesses I frequent if they are compatible with my world/political/personal views - when they don't advertise those views. Not my business. They don't ask for my views prior to serving me - either. Not their business. If you feel you have to ask, then too bad for you.

Very well said, Shannon - you go girl!

Linda L said...

I am admirer of Ann. To me she eptiomizes(sp) what a successful, independent, married, business woman is. I appreciate your comments and like you I was totally amazed by that person's comments.

Teddylyn said...

You go girl! I'll add my "what she said" to the comments!

Lynda in LV

okie2thfairy said...

I am totally with you on this too. It's amazing what people choose to do with their time. Seriously, make a difference and let people be. Instead of making it hard on people to make a living based on their views, volunteer your time and use that to show your opinions. Geez... Sign me up to be behind you on this one!

patsijean said...

Add my name to "Team Ann", but not just for her; this is for all of us who want Freedom to mean freedom of ALL. After all the root work of Liberal is Liberty, which is what we all strive for. But I also believe that it is a country's responsibility to care for its citizens (and we can see examples every day of countries that do not do so) and not just let them "sink or swim". I agree with all your views above 100%.

Beth said...

Perhaps I'll go buy something from her shop, to make up for what the Republican is missing out on.

Anonymous said...

I read this earlier and it bothered me so much I came back. I am a proud Independent: fiscally conservative and socially moderate...which puts me squarely in neither camp. I hate what is happening fiscally to our country and esp what all the extremists on BOTH sides are doing. We can not allow them to pit us against each other...nor allow them to f#$@ with you or our friend Ann.


NancyDaQ said...

I subscribe to Ann's blog too, and saw that posting. Quite disturbing!

Sigrid said...

Not an American citizen either, but I can fully agree with you, and let's stress point 5, which to me says what democracy is about. I don't care which political party a supplier is voting (and we have a lot more parties here), not should they be interested in what I'm voting.

Maryissewfast said...

Great post Shannon...I am a citizen of the United States of America and the extremists are really pissing me off. Seems they have lost the focus of what's really important here.

J. Christina Huh said...

I saw that post on Ann's blog and I was infuriated. I'm sure the woman who e-mailed her claims to be very American, but her and other people like her are the most un-American people here.

Unknown said...

One of many reasons I love you!

People need to learn to STFU and mind their own affairs!

I am a US citizen

I did vote for Obama

I believe whole heartedly in Gay marriage.

I think a woman has right to what she chooses with her body.

I believe Health care for every human is only sane.

I also think peoples political views are non of my business and they can have theirs if I can have mine!

Anonymous said...

I didn't know who you were talking about, so I went over to Ann's blog. No where did I read Ann's political views. The email had to be from someone who knows her in her own town or social circle.

The quickest way to take down a country is to divide and conquer within. The United States are no longer united. Not when you have several states that now want to take legal action against the present Health care bill.

Gorgeous Things said...

Thank you Shannon. You guys all brought tears to my eyes. I was floored by the email. The person who wrote it Sher, is not close to me, either physically or socially, which is why I was utterly shocked to receive that email.

Thank you all for your kind words. Get out there and vote, whatever way you choose. And let's all be kick-a$$ women!!!


Dana said...

Put me on team Ann immediately!

meredithp said...

I'm sure that the person who wrote that e-mail knows nothing about Ann. I'm guessing this is a new strategy by some group or another to pressure others. One thing about the US, we do have a variety of interesting groups with their own ideas about things.

That said, I don't think the new "strategy" will get them very far. The vast majority of Americans are moderate, nice people who want to do the right thing, take care of their fellow man, their families and are hardworking, independent minded folks. Oh, and they're pretty quiet and don't have time to get themselves on the TV machine making noise and hate speech. Ahem...that's why we elected Obama. Oops! I let *my* opinion slip in there, sorry. ;-) What I don't understand is: we had an election, that's how it works. Nobody "stole" the country. We have elections regularly. There's always one coming up, so get to work on that if you don't like where things are headed. Organize, register voters, discuss the issues (in a calm, coherent fashion), back up your arguments with facts. It works really well!

I'm glad you put it out there, Ann, because now we all know what's going on, even us quiet ones.

Go Shannon and Ann!

deb said...

I am in 100% agreement with all you say. The question, to me, smacked of an organized effort, though. Was anyone else struck like that? Like some organization said, here's a way to get back, boycott all businesses that don't agree with you -- send this to everyone you've purchased from.

Now if a business owner is very open about their political beliefs, as some are through their campaign involvement, contributions, civic activity, etc., that's a different ballgame because they chose to be open about their beliefs. To be honest, of those where I am aware of their beliefs, sometimes I've intended to not purchase from their businesses but I don't follow through very well. I live in Illinois, I really like Oberweis chocolate milkshakes!!

CoudreMODE recently posted about a political abortion belief being woven into children's dance competition. And that Lifetime show about the pregnancy pact smacks of same thing, although I do believe in contraception for teens doing a better job of preventing pregnancy than abstinence. But that's my belief and I don't take action to foist it on others beyond stating my belief. People just shouldn't do that.

Jane M said...

I'm grateful all the time to get to be an American and have a secret ballot and the right to support any candidate and issue of my choice. Sometimes I win, sometimes I lose but I deal with whatever the results are with some dignity albeit discontent and sometimes with gratitude and hope. And I make consumer choices all the time, deciding on whether service and selection are important to me or perhaps just cheap and easy, the good restaurant or the drive thru. So I vote with my dollars, yes, based on my priorities...and I am allowed to have those because I live in a country that doesn't require me to reveal my political or religious affiliations....and I like it that way! Ann, you are one courageous woman and America needs plenty more of you. Shannon, bravo to you for spreading the word that freedom isn't free, we do have to defend it all the time, even on sewing blogs.

vtmartha said...

As soon as I saw Ann's blog, I ordered three more lengths of fabric! Go Shannon and Ann!

Sewing Geek said...

Well, I voted against Obama.

I believe women have the right to sane, legal abortions.

I am on the fence about gay marriage.

I think that saying everyone has a 'right' to health care is going a bit far - socialism comes to mind.

I believe everyone should have the right to their own political views without fear of persecution.

I also believe that extortion, blackmail, etc. is wrong and illegal.

I am more of a libertarian than anything else. If you must judge, judge a person by their actions, not their party affiliations.

Anonymous said...

I was shocked by that email, and you can count me firmly on Team Ann! I voted for Obama, and I am adamantly, militantly in favor of abortion, gay marriage, and freedom. I think the far-right fringe has lost their collective mind, and certainly their behaviors are not acceptable. I hope this terrorist behavior stops before someone is killed. It is definitely not Lincoln's Republican party! So hear, hear everyone!

Gail D.

Claire S. said...

Another one for Team Ann and tick off all those boxes for me too !

I saw Ann's post and could not believe anyone had the audacity to question such a thing.

Elaray said...

I would pick on you except I agree with everything you said. My jaw dropped when I read the email Ann received. I don't know why I'm still surprised by ignorance. There certainly is enough of it around.

Rose said...

How can I pick on you when I agree with everything that you said? Say something stupid and maybe I'll give it a go. That e-mail to Ann is ridiculous. It's the e-mailer's loss. Ann's fabrics are gorgeous and sell at a reasonable price.

Carol said...

I spent a lot of time on Saturday pondering that post and I am glad to see I'm not the only one who feels as you do. I spent a lot of time composing a response in my head to the author of said email. It would start with this question, 'to make things easy for you, would it help if all non-republican voters wore something, like a badge, on their clothing for easy identification?'

Thank you for voicing publicly what so many of us have obviously been thinking about.

And for the record, I concur with all 5 points.

Anonymous said...

Shannon, you rock! Put me firmly on Team Ann!

I agree with all of your 5 points and while I defend right of the silly e-mailer's freedom to not purchase from someone who's political views she disagrees with,I feel sorry for her that she is going to miss out on a lot of kick ass fabric. It's her loss.


Anonymous said...

I say "Bring it on!"


Anonymous said...

Another sewist on team Ann!!!! I also agreed with each point you made. IF I had not, I would have disagreed politely.


Soldier Grrrl said...

Wow. Some days my countrymen really annoy the dogsnot outta me.

Anonymous said...

Here's one more new customer for Ann!

1912 Suffragette said...

I'm extremely jealous that you live in a sane country.

That said, I think all Americans need to stand up to bigotry and extremism. People can disagree mightily about the right course of action, but one's opinions are one's own and even that customer is entitled to hers. I think she's frightened or has been frightened that her "way of life" is gone forever; we should pity her more than castigate. Her actions bring their own punishment.

Thank you for taking a stand.

BeccaA said...

I was disgusted to read that email to Ann. I wanted to send her a message of support, but there are no comments on that message, so I'm glad you've created a forum. Unfortunately, the right wing nuts in the US don't believe in democracy; they have been operating on intimidation for years. It is sad to see them pick on Ann at what is certainly a difficult moment in her life. I agree with all your points. One more member for team Ann and Shannon.

sewsy said...

Good going, Shannon.

Alviana said...

Keep fighting what u believe for. I love ur spirit :)

Alexandra said...

Thank you! I wanted to leave Ann a message after reading her post but she had the comments disabled. The twit who sent her that email deserves to be slapped silly.

Anonymous said...

I'm joining team Ann! All I can add is that the author of that e-mail is sure going to have a hard time finding fabric for her sewing projects! I can only echo what Ann said in the first place. Wow. Just wow.

Sandra said...

You're speaking right out of my heart.
Another Woo-Hoo to Ann from this reader, and I wholeheartedly second your points (1)-(5) 100% and word for word!

patches said...

We have been watching the PBS Newshour for months on the healthcare legislation and other problems you have in the USA. Now there is this intimidation of Ann in a fabric selling business for heavens sake!

Is the fabric of society and economy of the USA so threatened that the political colour of all fabrics are to be examined, including those sold by Ann? Does this mean that only the blue will be acceptable in future and no longer the red and the white?

We always liked this mix on the USA flag and all that it represents for democracy and the opportunity for an equitable life.

Good for you Ann and how you handled this!

Karen said...

I think Team Ann is now officially large enough to unite, take over and kick the asses of all these bigoted, annoying people who think that their opinion is the only opinion.

I don't agree with what those people stand for, but I'll support their right to be wrong, until they insist I join them.

ReaderRita said...

Rock on, Shannon! You are wonderful! You have inspired me to "fly my flag" so to speak.
I am a US citizen, and the way the right is behaving is a complete embarrassment to us all.
They are acting like spoiled children who didn't get their way, and are now throwing a tantrum.
It all boils down to racism, I believe. They didn't want a black president, and will now do and say absolutely anything to make his presidency a troubled one. The whole debate about "socialist" government-run healthcare is ludicrous- what do they think Medicare is? It IS government-run healthcare!
So there, my colors are out there. Pick on me, not Ann!

Bobbie said...

So glad you wrote this on your blog. I too was appalled by the email to Ann.....Unbelievable. What is wrong with these people ???Besides intolerance, hatred and arrogance??

I am going over to order some fabric!

Maggie said...

With over 300 million people you'll get a few nuts. Don't look for anything more than that.

amber said...

::standing ovation::

I was floored at that email and am so happy to see this post in response. I have a short list of women that I feel embody what it is to balance both a successful business and family and and Ann is firmly on that list.

Okay, so where can we get our TEAM ANN t-shirts again? :)

soulnoir said...

You go! I like your style.

KellysSewing said...

Wow. I wonder if that means that you are a democrat or that I am a Canadian? I am with you 100%

Chantelle said...

That email to Ann was appalling. I'm Canadian, too, but I'm totally with you on your points.

I don't understand why someone would even send that kind of email to anyone, let alone Ann.