A week ago Simon went in the have his stitches removed. At that time, the vet told me that the results of the tumour testing had come back and it was not cancer, but rather fatty growths (lipomas). However, the original thin needle aspiration had shown mast cells (leading him to believe that Simon did have cancer). Faced with this enigma, the vet retested very lump and bump on his body. The new set of results all came back as fatty cells, which are 100% non-life threatening. So, Simon does not have cancerous tumours. Saying that I'm happy with this outcome is a major understatement. I want to say thank you to every person that provided us with good thoughts. I guess hoping and wishing and enlisting the positive vibes of internet friends all over the world really does do good things!
Now, the bad news:
Unfortunately, my relief was short lived. The day after visiting the vet and getting the wonderful cancer-free news, Simon slipped awkwardly going up the stairs and hurt his back. For the next

Hopefully, over the next week or two, my little man will heal up and be back to normal.
What excellent news, although we're sorry to hear that you're hurt.
Rest easy, Simon, we're glad you're going to be OK.
Aw, poor Simon! Hope he feels better soon. If it's any consolation, we have a six million dog as well -- after two operations for two different problems on the same leg, she now has a metal plate and seven screws. Her gait is a little off-kilter, but she's doing great.
Poor little guy. Hope he heals quickly! (He's such a cute little doggy!)
Poor little doggie. I hope he recovers quickly. I'm sure you have been just terribly anxious over the last couple of weeks.
Wonderful news!. My wonderful beagle (Clio) suffers from back problems from time to time. I have learned that instead of taking her to the vet for it where they will give her prednisone which makes her extremely hungry and thirsty, I let her rest and pick her up for going up and down steps and within the week she is back to normal.
Hope Simon is back on his paws soon!
Poor Simon, glad he's cancer-free though. Rest up little beagle...
I'm glad to hear that Simon doesn't have cancer and hope that he recovers from his latest injury quickly.
I'm so glad to hear they were only lipomas. That's great news. Sorry about the back problems. Been there, too. Rest will help. I've never had a dog that wasn't a six million dollar dog. :-)
So glad to hear about the (non) cancer. Our previous Cocker Spaniel went through it and now our little guy (also a Cocker) is popping up lots of little growths plus has frequent bouts of skin problems, so is now awaiting thyroid test results. Never heard thyroid issues in dogs caused skin problems before. Plus - he had $2000 worth of surgery on one leg 2-3 years ago after jumping on a snow bank the wrong way. So we know how you feel about your little guy.
Simon, please be more careful going up the stairs! Great news that you are cancer free. Hope your back injury heals asap. Love and kisses from Jesse, Angel, Charlie and Winnie
Poor little guy. What a relief about the cancer though. Hope he heals well soon!
Great news on the test results! Hope he's back to his old self soon.
I'm relieved to hear that Simon is cancer free. I know he's getting lots of love and bedrest. Molly has offered to send her favourite blanket it Simon needs it.
Boy, you and Simon have both been through the wringer on this. Iknow the emotional rooler coaster you are on very well. Hang in there. The good vibes are coming Simon's way.
I am so - so glad that Simon doesn't have cancer. What wonderful news. Tramadol is wonderful stuff - at least 2 of mine have been on it recently. and you well know I have 2 six million dollar dogs - so I feel your pain. the best part of tramadol is that while it eases the pain it also makes them sleepy - unlike other pain meds that ease their pain making them think they jump and play.
Hope he feels better soon. g
Poor Simon. He has been very brave. At least the good news far outways the bad :)
Poor puppy - he has been through a lot!
Poor Simon, the little guy has a rough time of it lately. We're sending him healing thoughts and prayers from Texas. Hope he back to his lovable self soon.
Yay Simon!! But please be more careful on those stairs. Your mom can only take so much in a short time. ;-)
Great news Shannon. Enjoy nursing the little guy back to health knowing it's really back to health!
He looks like such a poor little buckeroo in that pic...great news about the tumors though.
Oh poor Simon!! But at least he doesn't have cancer. So glad to hear the news.
I am so very happy that Simon is cancer-free. I hope he recovers soon from his back injury (I know he will be doted on),
As the mother of a three million dollar cat, I held my breath for Simon and you-so glad you got good news. Vivian
I'm so relieved to know there is no cancer. Now to get him over this injured back. Good vibes still coming your way!
Sorry to hear Simon is going through a rough time. I hope he feels better soon.
I am so happy to hear Simon doesn't have cancer. I hope with some rest he will be up and about soon!
So glad to hear that Simon's going to be okay - I know how hard it is to wait for those results, but these were definitely worth it.
I will go tell Lily, my $6 million kitty, the good news.
(And the bootie-skirt-thing is growing on me. I didn't get it at first, but now I'm starting to feel like I need booties).
so sorry to hear about Simon. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts as I tend to my own injured pet. We just love them so much, don't we?
Oh my goodness! I am so, so sorry about Simon's back. I will say a prayer that he heals up quickly.
I am relieved for you, though, that he does not have cancer.
Excellent news about the non-cancerous cells! So happy to hear about that but so sorry to hear about his back.
Get well soon Simon! (I am speaking doggie language.)
Poor Simon. But good news about the lumps. Our last dog had many fatty lumps but lived to nearly 17 years old. Sadly the younger dog we also had, developed cancer & we lost her months before the older one. Now we have a huge bouncy rescue Dobermann who's loving the space he never experienced before, problem is catching him again!!
I am happy to know your cute little doggy doesn't have cancer.I hope he will recover quickly. :)
Glad to hear Simon's good news and hope he recovers quickly from his back injury. Such a sweet little picture that last one was. Sending him a hug.
Happy happy happy to hear the good news! I hope Simon will recover soon from his back injury.
Woohoo! I'm so glad for you.
Hope Simon recovers quickly from his bad fall.
So happy to hear it's not cancer and I hope he is quickly on the mend with his back!
(from Mom Beaglebrat) Don't know how I missed this but so glad I found it. That is such great news that Simon does not have cancer. So sorry to hear of his back problems - 24/7 bed rest and Beagles are incompatible. Been there - tried that. I have been VERY lucky so far with the two Beaglebratz but a couple of years ago Shiloh was found to have Degenerative Disk Disease around his tailbone plus 2 disks were totally gone. Yes, Tramadol did do wonders then plus I use Glucosamine to hopefully strengthen his bones (I also hold my breath and keep my fingers crossed to ward off a relapse). I had one vet already tell me that if it gets really bad, the tail would have to be amputated - something about a Beagle without his flag, is unnatural - so far, so good.
Again, that is great news about Simon and his not cancer.
Poor Simon. We're sorry to hear he has injured his back. But happy to hear that he doesn't have cancer!
austin, Pongo, and Buddy
Poor Simon and he can't even complain.
Oh Shannon, I was so thrilled to hear about Simon's no-cancer diagnosis. You must be so relieved. The poor fellow though, if it's not one thing, it's another. I'm sure he'll recover quickly with all your loving care. Kisses and hugs from Ginger and Sassy too!
I was just thinking about you and Simon this morning and was wondering how he was doing. I am SO happy to hear he does not have cancer! And I'm sorry about his latest injury. He's so lucky to have you.
He is so adorable! Hope he is up and barking gleefully soon.
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