4 October 2009


Do you ever just get grumpy? There's no major reason for it - but, nonetheless, you're out of sorts, annoyed...pissed off. Whenever, I feel like this, I try to stay off of my blog because, really, does the world need another crabby pants ranting about some inconsequential crap? Um, no - there's enough negative energy on TV, on the radio, in the news and certainly on the internet, so I try not to add to the din.

But, nonetheless, that is how I have been feeling lately. Grumpy, schmumpy. Then I read Gertie's blog this morning and she has declared it National Honesty Month and she posted pictures of herself at her happiest. So, in that vein, I wanted to follow suit and present my happy pix.

I think I am my most blissful when I'm out on a long walk with Simon and my husband. The experiences of nature are wonderful - the furtive glimpses of local wildlife, the rustling of the leaves and the singing of the birds is always peaceful and serenity-inducing. Much better than an iPod any day.

There is a local nature preserve that has walking trails and I love to go there in the spring, summer and fall. The photo to the left was taken two years ago in the middle of autumn. Simon had just jumped over a large fallen tree and the look of sheer joy on his face is heartwarming. If you look closely, you can see me crouched behind the tree trunk, watching my boys - the one joyfully running and the one contentedly taking the photo.

Obviously, another of my happy places is creating. Whether I'm cooking up a new project, getting the materials ready or actively sewing at my machine, I love it all. One of my fondest wishes is to have my own dedicated sewing room with a view (so I don't have to work on the kitchen floor like in the photo to the left).

Several years ago, my husband and I bought a four acre parcel of land in the country, with the intent to build our dream house someday. Well, hopefully, in the next year or two, the dream will become a reality. We have been saving and investing and have almost settled on a house plan. In the not too distant future, we hope to have a new home - complete with a fab sewing room and stash storage.


wendy said...

Simon looks *too happy* in that photo. Aren't happy dogs just the best thing in the world? :-)

Trudy said...

I loved seeing a glimpse into your life and what makes you happy. I agree with you that we get enough negative input all around us so why add to it. If we think on positive things, our mood can turn from sour to positive. I think maybe I should think of doing a post soon of the moments in my life when I am my happiest. I like this new idea of National Honesty Month.

Hope you have your sewing room and dream home in the near future. My sewing sewing room is my dining room. It's actually ideal for me right now since I have small children. That way I can be right there with them in the same room when sewing.

Hope you have a restful Sunday.

Gertie said...

Oh, I'm glad you did a happy post of your own! Simon looks so blissed-out in that picture; I love it.

My cats have such a positive effect on my moods that I can't believe everyone doesn't have a pet. If only I could take them to work with me!

And I'm with you on the grumpy thing. I think using my blog as an outlet has helped me a lot. Happy National Honesty Month!

gMarie said...

Love it! Simon looks fabulous I hope he continues to do well.

You also look happy at being interupted to have your photo taken. 4 acres and a dedicated studio - how lovely.

Maybe it's the weather changing? Hope you feel much, much happier soon. g

Mary Beth said...

Nice turn around on a grumpy state of mind! HOpe it worked for you, your pleasures are so similar to mine that your post worked for me :)

Anonymous said...

Beagles love searching for a sniff of something, then taking off after it. A walk in the woods is like heaven for them. (My Dad raised them)

I really think it's a change in the "air" or change in the season right now that creates the change in our mood. You have such a positive outlook to turn yours around. Truly enjoyed this post.

a little sewing said...

The thought of you getting a sewing room with a beautiful view makes me happy

Robin said...

2 years ago this month my husband and moved from our home which we lost after he was seriously injured at work. We've sold many belongings, I gave up my job to drive him to his doctor appointments, we let go of our costly luxury car and said goodbye to most every activity and expense to get by. Now we live in a funky mountain cabin which is the happiest place we've ever lived as a couple together, leaky windows and all and we'll stay as long as it's meant to be. We turned a converted loft into a work space - his office and my sewing corner - and spend more time together than ever before. And you know what? Our pets are loving it too.

Linda L said...

I think we all have those grumpy,frumpy days. I am glad you were able to share some happy moments. It helps us all.

Karin van Dam said...

How exciting to be able to dream up your own house and then realize it. I hope you'll get a wonderful sewing room!

kiltsnquilts said...

Great photos and well done for your positive post when you are feeling grumpy - but you know what? I think that if we don't have the grumpy schmumpy times, how do we recognise the happy schmappy times??

My philosophy is to allow myself to be grumpy/sad/down if I need to (although not for too long - not my nature Lol!), and to not beat myself up if I am not feeling on top of the world all the time - that's life! We can't enjoy the highs if we don't have the lows. Usually if I just allow myself to feel how I feel, my mood soon lifts.

Hope you feel less grumpy soon :-)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the happy post. It made me happy just reading about something so positive.

Rose said...

When I'm grumpy, I usually can't give a reason for it. Amazing-guess it just happens, but not for long. What great happy pictures you have! Simon is such a sweetie and you look so cute cutting out on the kitchen floor. I've got the sewing room with a view which makes me very happy. Now, if I can just sew almost as well as you. *sigh* I'm working on the sewing skills so maybe in a year or two both of our dreams will come true.

gwensews said...

"Don't worry, be happy"! I hope you get your dream home in the blink of an eye. A home in the country--what could be better than that?

Nancy K said...

A room of one's own! Having my own room is important to my psyche, but I still get grumpy! You've mentioned building your own home in the past so I'm glad it's finally closer to reality.

Jenny said...

Congratulations on focusing on the positive. Haha, I agree it's not always easy. I hope you're able to get started on that dream home soon.

amber said...

Great pictures - thank you for sharing those. :)

I lucked out when we bought our house last year - the small, finished basement became my all-purpose craft room complete with a pink wall and lots of girly touches that aren't allowed elsewhere in the house. I just haven't updated the layout and functionality of the room since discovering sewing. Something I'm hoping to remedy sometime this month. I hope you get your sewing studio very soon!

laura said...

A friend of mine and her husband built a log home on 50 acres. Gravity fed spring, propane for lights, wood stove for heat and cooking, ice box (ice block purchased every other day)...but no electricity! They lived there full time for 5 years! They're now back among the civilized but they are in the process of starting the whole log cabin thing over again! I'm sure yours will be much more sophisticated!