21 March 2009

Better Grey Than Never - Part 1

It all started with a cardigan...

When grey became a popular colour the past couple of seasons, I realized that I didn't have a single grey garment in my entire closet. So, jonesing for a quick fix, I went shopping with a friend. I know, I know, RTW is considered blasphemy in many circles, but I wanted grey and I wanted it now! At Mexx, I found a really cool piece that had a bunch of elements that appealed to me. Grey - check; argyle - check; cardigan - check; deep V-neck - check. So, I scooped it up and brought it home. There was only one problem - I had absolutely nothing to wear with it. So, in an attempt to remedy the situation, I purchased two beautiful wool gabardines from Fabric Mart - one in a light dove and another in a darker steel shade. Both these fabrics were made up into Loes Hinse Hepburn Pants. (Big surprise, eh? I think this is the fourth garment post in a row to feature this pattern. What can I say? Carolyn brain washed me into embracing TNTs!) See the results below:

As you may be able to see in the photo to the left, I had to do some repair work on the dark grey pants. I had almost completed the pants, when I noticed a tear in the fabric. I don't know how I missed it during the cutting out, construction and pressing, but there it was. Thankfully, it was located very close to the inseam, so it wasn't in a totally conspicuous spot. I debated about trashing the pants, but I figured I would try salvaging them. I pressed some fusible interfacing to the inside of the pant over the tear and then zig-zagged over it. In the picture, the flash brings out the shininess of the thread and makes it look more obvious than it is in real life. The first time I wore the pants to work I asked my friend to look them over with a critical eye and tell me if she saw any problems. It wasn't until I actually pointed out the repair that she noticed it. So, disaster averted!

In the picture to the right, you can see the dark grey pants paired up with the inpiration cardigan. I really like the way these two garments look together.

Up Next: Adding to the "Better Grey than Never" wardrobe.


BCN - UNIQUE designer patterns said...

Hi Shannon .- Gray is one of my favorite colors. Surely these pants are going to give you much "game". I love the style of the tunic as well. greetings, Paco

Mardel said...

Well, I love gray and I love the way you mixed it with your inspiration cardigan. I think these will see lots of wear -- gray opens so many possibilities.

Carolyn (Diary of a Sewing Fanatic) said...

But I'm right...right?! *LOL* How easy is it to get 4 pairs of well fitted pants in several different colors?! Would that happen if you were fitzing around with 4 different patterns? Would that happen in RTW?

I like your fix btw and love the argyle sweater!

gwensews said...

The argyle sweater is awesome. Gray is really a fabulous neutral. I like gray with pink, peach, yellow--most colors blend with it. Love the pants!

kiltsnquilts said...

I ahve always loved grey, now I have stopped colouring my hair and my head is also grey I am worried I won't be able to wear it anymore! Pants would work as they are not close to my face - thanks for the idea! I have read with interest your posts lately about how pleased you are with your LH Hepburn pants. As a pear shape I have been hesitant to try them, I notice they are elasticated at the waist which is something I usually avoid at all costs! Do you find it is bulky?

Vicki said...

Yep, TNT's are the way to go. Also I notice that you are favouring comfort very much after making the vintage fitted SWAP. All these recent garments looks so soft and comfy =) And those shoes (a couple of posts back)look perfect. Must see if I can get those here.

Dana said...

Love the garments in this and your previous posts! Thanks for the inspiration.

Maggie said...

Hi Shannon,
I love grey, especially grey flannel. I was wondering which fabric is the best for these pants as I see that you have used different weights. Also, how wide are they on? I would love to see you modeling a pair! Vogue Patterns Magazine did an article years ago pairing different greys with camel and chocolate brown. If I can locate it, I'll send you the issue number.

Anonymous said...

I love these pants. I love that you have started posting regularly again - but let's not keep all the sewing to ourselves for so long in future, eh?

I am learning to love the TNT too. Don't tell Carolyn that she's right. g

Anonymous said...

That's it! I'm getting that Hinse pattern. Those pants are just so pretty. And that sweater is sharp.

Ann Made Studio said...

I love the cardigan paired with your pants, perfect match :)

Anonymous said...

--I pressed some fusible interfacing to the inside of the pant over the tear and then zig-zagged over it--

That is EXACTLY how I mend tears in my clothing.

I love the internets, LOL!

Tany said...

Grey pants are a must and very versatile because you can wear them with almost every color! I love gray paired with coral, red, turquoise, etc.