Since the announcement came out (several months ago) that SWAP would once again take place this year, I have wavered back and forth (and back again) as to whether I would throw my hat in the ring again this year.
I have participated in the past three SWAPs and my wardrobe is better for it and adding more clothes to my closet is never a bad thing. However, a 6 month time line seems painful to me - when I decide to sew...I messing around, so trying to stretch this out for 6 months could be torture. However, I suppose I could just sew everything up quickly and then just add additional pieces as a SWAP extension. I do, after all, have the following SWAP (plus extensions and some of the extension garments are started) that I planned out last year.

In other sewing news, I have been really looking at my stash of Loes Hinse patterns lately. I have a lot of holes in my professional winter wardrobe and I want to whip up some nice looking, simple, sophisticated clothes to plug the leaks. I have always liked the LH (and Textile Studio) patterns, but I haven't always used them to the fullest, so I'm going to be starting a LH sewing marathon. My greatest needs are for bottoms (pants and skirts), so I will start there. Hopefully, before this weekend is over, I will have at least one pair of pants and a skirt done. We'll see...

I hope that you will join in this year. I agree that 6 months can lead to a lot of procrastination, but it also means that extras that don't fit in the plan can be sewn at the same time. Your swaps are a real learning experience for the rest of us.
By the way, I have been using your instructions for Eucalan wool washing. Don't know if you saw the post on PR. I wanted to add lined wool pants to my wardrobe but not to add to my dry cleaning bill. I finally bought some eucalan and I am so impressed with how every thing comes out. Thank you.
Happy Sewing! I just attended a 4 day sewing seminar with Loes Hinse and made more garments than I have ever created in such a short time span! The soft tailoring is ideal for my retired life style--but would have worked for my professional wardrobe as well. I hope you find patterns that fit both your body and your needs! I am always impressed with your sewing skills!
Lynda in LV
I'm in all for the "Why not just enter?"
Whoa, you are so back on track; I see! :-)
May you set a new goal for yourself - not only finish the SWAP but see how many you could make? 2? 3? A vinter and a summer wardrobe?
Hey it's good to see you sewing again! Since you have time to decide take it...maybe it will be right for you, maybe it won't!
I want to know what you are planning on making with the Loes Hinse patterns?!
Hi Shannon, Great to have you back. I always drool over your plan, and of course, the finished products. I noticed the two pant patterns by Claire Shaeffer. I'm looking forward to seeing those on you. I'm not sure I have ever seen a pic of you in pants now that I think of it. Not tailored ones anyway! That's what I'm working on now-trying to perfect a tailored pant with wider legs.
Selfishly I hope you do SWAP, so I can see all the beautiful garments you will make. Also looking forward to seeing what you do with the LH patterns.
Who says you have to take the entire six months to finish? The rules merely state that you have to finish by April 30th. There's no reason you couldn't finish well before then. Why not?
Yeah, I hear you. I decided to sew along, and if it works out for me then I may join the year after.
Go on, you know you want to ...
Either way, I'm looking forward to seeing some of these things made up.
Gosh you are so organized and sew so fast!
I second the selfish wish that you do go for it so I can see the cool stuff you make.
Hi Shannaon, I was so glad to hear from you on my blog. Since Julie shut down I didn't know how to get to yours so I'm adding you to my Favorits. I so enjoyed your entries in other swaps. and I'm really looking forward to what you'll come up with. your storyboaard looks intriguing. How you get time to sew as much as you do is a mystery. I'm a retired High School teacher and I remember only being able to sew every other Saturday. The rest of the time was taken up with lesson plans and marking.
Looking forward to the whole Swap experience.Diana
Hi, I just came across your blog and I also live in Ontario. I noticed that you have ordered fabric from the U.S. Did you have to pay duty, and how were the shipping charges?
Good to see you hop back on that horse. Your ambition and follow through kill me, but it's your killer fashion instincts that keep me glued to this blog. I look at your plans and I feel so inspired. Cheers to you!
I like all of your potential SWAP story lines. I will be looking t see what you make up.
Shannon - it is Canadian Blog awards time and I would like to nominate you, however I feel like I should have your permission first! Can you take a look at cdnba(dot)wordpress(dot)com and see if you would like to be nominated?
Just leave a note on my blog saying yay or nay. (deadline is by thursday of this week)
and btw say "yes" to the swap!
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