Well, I do. It doesn't happen very often, but when it does, look out, it's a doozy.
I know some of you are wondering about my lack of blogging and my long absence from discussion boards and other sewing related outlets. (Actually, let me take this opportunity to thank everyone that has sent emails inquiring as to my whereabouts - I appreciate that you care enough about me to take the time to write. It touches me so deeply that people I have never formally met can become such wonderful friends.) I guess I just needed a break from the world. I can't take a break from my family (they seem to find me wherever I try to hide!) or from my job (gotta pay the bills, you know), so the only other choice was to take a break from sewing and blogging. Something had to give and unfortunately, my cherished hobbies ended up being collateral damage in my need for some down time. It has been at least three months since I really had the drive to sew and I haven't bought nor have I had the desire to buy any fabric in ages (gasp! now you know I'm a mess!). Hence, the blog silence - what was there to blog about?
Well, I'm tentatively starting to feel like myself again. I miss sewing and I miss blogging and most of all, I miss interacting with my sewing sisters. I have no one in my daily life that sews, so my long distance friends (all of you) are very important to me. I have a few projects in mind for my triumphant (I hope) return to the sewing sphere. Unfortunately, this weekend is all about painting the LR, DR and kitchen, so don't expect much just yet.
To prove that I am clawing my way out of my funk, I leave you with the some of the best medicine to turn a girl around and make her love life again. Check out the latest additions to my shoe wardrobe - Naturalizer has been offering some really nifty shoe designs the last few seasons and this fall is no exception.

Oh, it happens. Welcome back to the land of the sewing. I also go the Naturalizer catalog this week and love what they are showing. I like the menswear inspiration.
I'm glad you're back, and that all is well in Shannonland. :)
Welcome back! We can all understand how it feels to be dragged away by life. Sewing and your online sewing friends will wait and be there when you come back.
Glad to see you back! Looking forward to your next sewing adventures.
Oh, there are times when something just has to shut down. Glad to see you testing the waters.
I'm glad you are semi-okay. It really sucks when we have to give up 'ourselves' in order to stay afloat, but I do understand and am very glad you are clawing your way out.
Those shoes! I love them. Even with 2 jobs and no kids at home, we are feeling a bit of the lovely economy here in the states, so I'll have to live vicariously.
Hope you get back into the studio soon and that it does the body good :) g
So great to hear from you. Hope you're feeling more 'yourself' soon. Down time is something we all need from time to time.
Glad to 'hear' from you! Shame it has to be something you love that has to give way, but totally understandable. Looking forward to whatever you want to show/tell us!
Welcome back! Everyone needs some down time once in a while. I'm loving the shoes!
Glad to see you back. Look forward to your future blogs and sewing. Take care Jan
Shannon .- good, good foundation built a good home. You show us your shoes, so I'm sure they will be good foundations for the new season. (I hope that the translator is my friend, because this may sound like a twister .... uhmmm.). it does not matter, welcome back and thank you for remembering us all. Paco
Everyone needs a break now and then... even from the things we love to do.
But you are welcome back!
Welcome back! I have to say, love the shoes. I was just complaining that I can't find grown up shoes and didn't want to wear what I wore "way back when". Now I see that I need to visit Naturlizer. I love those shoes you chose!
Glad to see you posting. Hope you feel like sewing soon. Looking forward to what you come up with.
Good to hear from you. I hate when life gets in the way. Take care of yourself.
CarlaF-in Atlanta
I know how you feel (well maybe). I haven't sewn since June! Sometimes it is all too much. Glad to hear that you are still around. And the shoes are great! I am sure that is what I need - some new shoes :))
Oh girl, I'm exactly where you are. I am basically a vegetable outside of mom duty and school duty. I can't focus on anything right now because there is SO much to be done. Thankfully my mojo is also returning and I'm starting to feel less out of sorts and scattered. (I hate that feeling!) I hope you're sewing soon and real life slows down to a manageable pace!! :)
Glad you're back, I've missed your inspiration and humor!
Welcome back! You were missed and I'm so happy to hear that your life is getting under control again! I think I know exactly how you felt because I've been there - you feel so overwhelmed by everything that you have to do that even contemplating doing anything else - even something that you love! - feels intolerable... :(
I know that your return to sewing will be triumphant and I'm eagerly anticipating your posts and pictures! Welcome back and have fun!!! :)
Take care,
PS - I've been meaning to thank you for your recommendation of DietPower a while back - I am using it and slowly but surely making progress towards my goal!
Hi Shannon, glad you're well. Take time to do what pleases you to do, simply that and no more. No obligation nor stress should attach to the hobby you have for relaxation and creative outlet. (I'm talking to all of us, me included, here)
I have missed you! Sometimes you just have to go through the "funk" to come out to the other side. You had a lot of life experiences this past year, it does catch up with you. Looking at shoes and buying some is the best medicine next to sewing that I can think of.
So glad to see you back; electronic hugs to you. I get 'the sewing downers' too sometimes...just have to move through it to the other side. and Naturalizer is one of my favorite brands; they tend to build their shoes a little wider so I don't have as many issues with wearing them and the designs are great. Welcome Back!!
Hey lady,
You seem like you run at 100% on a daily basis, so it's not surprising after the year you've had that you would end up running over capacity. Take care of yourself, go easy on yourself and do what you have to do. I never could figure out how you managed to do so much in the first place. One teacher to another: you are the bomb! Take some downtime, you deserve it.
It's good to see you back, I was wondering where did you disappear! Welcome back, Shannon, hope to see some beautiful things (as usual) from you soon. {HUGS}
Welcome back! I hope things are settling down for you can you can get back to some of the things you love to do rather than things you must do.
Don't worry, we've all been there. I kind of thought that was what was going on. I know you love your blogging, but don't make it into a second job. It should be fun and not a stressful chore you feel compelled to do. As to the sewing...I'm with you there too. I have dry spells and used to let that get to me, but now through these sewing connections (sisters) I realize we all go through the same cycles.
Believe me, after two weekends out of town, I can commiserate with feeling overwhelmed. My sewing to-do pile is climbing higher every day and it's hard to feel motivated when there's *always* so many other things to be done. Glad to see you're inching your way back, though!
Glad that you are feeling better. Blogging should never feel like an obligation - just update when you have something to say! Take care.
Nice to see you, Shannon, come back when you feel you have the time.
-ejvc from Stitchers' Guild
Glad to have you back. Funks happen. I'm just happy to hear you are getting some of your sewing spirit back. I will look forward to seeing your creations as they come.
I'm really needing a Lee Adama fix. Are you? Will January never get here?
I don't have your email I guess...email me! jemimabean at gmail dot com
Glad to hear you are okay! I was actually thinking of seeing if you wanted to come to the American Sewing Expo with me and my SIL the other day, but- typically me- I forgot! We were driving by your neck of the woods anyways on our way to Detroit.
Hope you get rested and mojo'd soon!
I understand you so well... We all need a break from time to time. I'm overloaded with work and unable to spend as much time sewing as I used to (not to mention blogging and reading other blogs!) I feel terribly and sometimes I think what I need is some time off from everything, to be able to put it all together...
All I could think about when I was reading the comments was "WOW what a great support group" :) It's really amazing! I can honestly say I've been/am there too. Hope things are back to normal for you.
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