23 August 2008

Back Home

I am back from my trip to England. Unfortunately, I have a bajillion things that need to get done before I can post about the trip, so bear with me...


Anonymous said...

Welcome back, we missed your posts about your sewing adventures. Now that school is starting up I guess your sewing time will be significantly reduced, so give us what you can. As a relatively new sewer, I need all the inspiration I can get.

Carolyn (Diary of a Sewing Fanatic) said...

Glad you are back home safe and sound! I was thinking about you just last night...take your time...we'll be here patiently waiting!

Anonymous said...

Glad you made it safely home. Hope Simon isn't too put out at being left home. g

Anonymous said...

Like maybe getting over the jetlag! Glad you are back, looking forward to hearing ALL about it.

Did you buy fabric? Or is that a daft question?


Sigrid said...

Welcome back. I look forward to your stories about your trip, but will be patiently waiting. Take your time.

Anonymous said...

Welcome back! Like AJ, I'm wondering if you picked up fabric as well & can't wait to see if you did.

BCN - UNIQUE designer patterns said...

Shannon .- I am glad you're back and with good stories to relate. happy return. greetings, Paco

angie.a said...

Welcome back! Can't wait to hear about your trip!

Maggie said...

Welcome back, Shannon. Glad you are home safe and sound. School bells are ringing, aren't they? Write when you are rested. We'll all be here for you.

lorrwill said...

A bajillion. Dang. That's a lot, huh?


BCN - UNIQUE designer patterns said...

be patient and hoped his story about the trip. I am sure that it will be worth. hugs, Paco

JuliaR said...

Welcome home and welcome to commenting on my blog! I went to France in May for 2 weeks and while I had lived in Europe before, it was a first for my DH too. Interesting. And I lived in London for 12 months in 1995-6. Too late to give you wardrobe advice but now I can scan your blog every so often. I teach at Algonquin in Ottawa, so we have that in common too. :) And I am between dogs. :(