I have been wanting to add some suits to my working wardrobe and creating a SWAP that revolved around interchangeable suiting pieces seemed like a workable idea for SWAP. I wanted each suit to stand on its own, as well as having the flexibility of treating each garment like a coordinating separate. I knew from the beginning that I wanted to use Jacqueline Kennedy (JK) as my inspiration for this wardrobe. Her style is the quintessence of elegance, sophistication and good taste. When I think of classic, timeless clothing, JK always comes to mind. So, I have working for over month trying to get all the pieces to come together on a storyboard. The fabrics had to work together interchangeably and the style and lines of each garment had to complement all the other garments. Last, but certainly not least, the wardrobe had to take inspiration from JK, but work on my body (which is nothing like JK's).

Please note that all garment inspiration photos were taken from the book, Jacqueline Kennedy: The White House Years. If you like JK and/or 1960s fashion, this book is phenomenal. I first learned of its existence from Carolyn and boy, am I glad I did! Although the book is a bit pricey, it is well worth it in my opinion. The garment photos are exquisite and the accompanying historical info (date and location where garment was worn, designer and fabric) is interesting and useful for the seamstress looking to knock off JK's wardrobe. I have other books on JK, but this one is by far my favourite. The book is broken into several chapters, the most interesting of which are the ones focusing on her influence on 60s fashion. My favourite chapters are "Campaign", "Inauguration", "White House Style" and "Travel". Each of these chapters features several outfits worn by JK during the whirlwind of supporting her husband in his bid for the presidency and the ensuing time in the White House. It is amazing how fresh and timeless most of her choices still appear today. That is the mark of true style.
My storyboard includes a fabric swatch (accompanied by fabric type and vendor), the pattern and the JK inspiration garment(s).

I think I will be sticking with this plan, but if any amazing fabric or pattern jumps into my lap, I may pull a switcheroo - I guess we'll just have to see how it goes! I'm not exactly sure which piece I'll start with first. I am leaning toward the coat, but I want to do the sable collar, like in the original. However, I'm having a heck of a time tracking down good looking faux fur (I don't want real fur - it gives me the heebie-jeebies). If any one has any good sources for faux fur, do tell please.
Ooh, this is going to be fun following along with you. You have chosen some great styles and your fabric collection is awesome.
There will be lots of jacket making in blogland over the next few months!
Looks tres elegante as always with you - I will follow along and drool. ;) What pattern is your wardrobe pattern? I saw one pattern used for a jacket and two skirts, but I thought that you had to make three different types of garments with the wardrobe pattern...
The fabrics are beautiful, all the colors work well. The style is definetely 60's. I am not sure that your selection of pieces meet all the requirements for the swap. I am going to be on the sidelines cheering all you swappers.
What a wonderful collection! This will be fun to watch- these styles will be so chic. I love it!
About the fur - contact Kathryn (fxzdoc) on SG, I believe she has a source that she used for a dress/jacket combo about two years ago.
This is going to be one amazing SWAP! I can see all of the hard work that you've put into making all the pieces work and the resulting combinations are going to be awesome! Boy are you going to be one well dressed teacher!!!!
I have the green dress on my list for summer sewing. I finally located a lt. green linen that I want to use because I am going to duplicate that one exactly!
Finally isn't that book amazing! I bought it when I saw the exhibit in NYC and after seeing the garments and the video of her speaking, I probably would have bought anything that they had about her! *LOL*
Fabulous-Firs has great stuff, although it is very expensive. See http://fabulousfurs.com/search.asp?ss=fabric
You might also check with Fabric Depot (fabricdepot.com). That have a huge selection and I don't think it is all on the website. I believe they are quite helpful if you call them and tell them what you are looking for.
Great selection of fabrics and patterns. And the style, sighh. Makes me wish I could wear it.
Good luck with your swap.
Jackie is an inspiration for me too, I am sooo jealous of all your beautiful vintage patterns! Your storyboard looks amazing and I love your colours!
What a fantastic adventure this is going to be. I can't wait to follow your progress on this! I am more of a Audrey Hepburn or Maria Callas girl, but hey - it's close. :)
Love your SWAP. I'm happy to see so many suits your plan. Once again, I'll be referring back to this page as I make my plan.
You're very ambitious with all those vintage patterns. Are you going to try following the vintage techniques too? Can't wait to see the results.
I love your SWAP plan! I also love JK - I may steal some of your pattern ideas. g
Love Jackie's style also, and LOVE your fabrics!
I too am wondering if two skirts (albeit different) will meet the requirements. But then again, I'm not in the contest, nor have I EVER entered the contest. What do I know? I'm just concerned for you. Did that sound like Tim Gunn?
Good Luck!
Love it! I'm still on the fence. My wardrobe needs will be changing, so the original ideas I had no longer will work.
Try Faux Paw Furs for your fur - www.fauxpawfur.com, I think. There's a link on the left for fabrics. That's where I got the white channeled mink for my white jacket. (I see you have that pattern in the SWAP!)
You might want to contact Donna Sayers in Covington, Kentucky. She has a number of fine quality fake furs. I don't have an email or web site for her, but I know she is searchable.
I was shopping in Satin Moon Fabrics on Clement Street in San Francisco on Saturday morning. I did take note of some beautiful black sable-like faux fur, which had an incredible texture and geniune fur appearance. It would make a beautiful coat collar. I do not think that they have a web site, but the sisters are very savvy sewers and are very customer service oriented. You could easily google/phone them. Linda M.
Donna Salyers and Fabulous Furs are one and the same. Her faux sable is wonderful and easy to sew. I made a coat from it when I lived in Ohio. You can find fur yardage on her website under the "Home and Throws" category, of all things. Not exactly intuitive, but I believe her business has really gone toward RTW big-time and not so much yardage any more. Anyway, I can definitely recommend this company.
Linda (SewingLibrarian)
Your ideas for the SWAP look amazing-it does seem like it will be a huge amount of work-I kind of had to have a lie down with a cold compress to my temples when I realised the amount of work it would involve-I have no doubt you are up to the task...And I look forward to following your progress
I'll throw in another kudo for www.fabulousfurs.com and Donna. I'm not sure she does any yardage at all now, haven't seen it listed in catalog for a long time. You could always get a rtw collar to attach, or a throw. I do like her stuff. K
Wow! Looks gorgeous. Can't wait to see it progress.
I think it's a fabulous plan and I will enjoy following your progress! JK is one of my favorite fashion idols too!
(and I will get that book...)
I love your plan, I love 60's style. great job in tracking down the patterns. Can I have this wardrobe when you're finished?
I can't wait to see your garments! Jackie Kennedy's style is very much my style. In fact, I'd like to get that book. I'm glad you posted it.
Wow! I love your planned collection.
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