Vogue 8178 - I have been wanting to make this dress for a very long time now - I will be using an olive brown linen for this one.

Vogue 8319 - As many of you know, I have a thing for 60s designs, so how can I not make this one? I have a gorgeous yellow/orange silk suiting for this one.

Vogue 2903 - I also have a passion for 50s designs. I have adored this dress since I first laid eyes on it. I have a beautiful chocolate/white floral cotton that is screaming to be made into this (unfortunately, the fabric is a tad heavy and since this dress calls for 5 m of fabric, I may have to reassess).

Simplicity 3874 - This will make a great outfit for work in the fall. I have a peach circle print silky for the dress and a coordinating peach linen for the jacket.

I have a bunch of original vintage patterns that are vying for my attention too. I am also desperate for some new shorts and capris for the summer. Oh, and I need a few, toss-em-on, look-cute, feel-comfortable, schlepping-to-the-grocery-store dresses. I guess I have my work cut out for me - actually, I wish my work was cut out for me, then I could just start sewing! :)
Thanks Shannon for sharing some of your sewing plans. You know I will be checking in to see how they progress! I am really quite envious of the fact that you will have the rest of the summer off to sew...so I guess I will have to live vicariously through you! *smile* When is your last day in school?
Mmmm, you have lots of nice things on the plan!
3874 is my favorite in this line up, I have it on my to do list also
Love all three of those Vogue dresses!! Actually, I like the simplicity, too. LOL.
Great projects, Shannon! My favourite is Vogue 8319 - so cute and classy at the same time. You'll be having so much fun!
You have some great projects lined up - Can't wait to see your progress!
I have also loved that vintage Vogue pattern since it came out - sadly my local Joann's was out of it the last time the sales came around. :(
I'm looking forward to seeing what you make of it. :)
(oh, this is my first comment in your blog: I drifted here via several different sewing blogs, including Carolyn's, although I'm only just starting to comment everywhere. I've found so much inspiration in your sewing!)
Love your planned projects. Will be checking back to see your progress.
Great projects.. really digging the Simplicity Easy Chic pattern... like the style of the jacket.
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