11 July 2011

It's Too Late

Don't say I didn't try to warn you.  I thought I had given you ample time to prepare.  To train your family in combat techniques.  To squirrel away supplies.  To fortify your home.  But you didn't listen, did you?  And now, it's too late. 

Oh, and don't expect to come knocking on my door, looking for shelter.  If I have learned anything from watching movies, it's this: you never allow extra people into your shelter.  It's a guarantee that some dumb ass will have a zombie bite that they don't tell you about.  And then, 30 minutes later, you're the main course at a brain buffet. 

P.S.  Hubby and I saw this sign on the roadside during our drive home from the new house.  The town was using it to inform commuters that some construction is taking place this week.  However, some smartie pants switched it to this instead.  It was blinking out the above warning all weekend long.  Hilarious! 


Biba said...

Ahahahaha, how cool! :D

DJ said...

Ha! At first I thought you moved here to Newfoundland & I somehow missed it. Someone did this a couple of weeks ago: http://yfrog.com/user/cecilhaire/photos

Carolyn (Diary of a Sewing Fanatic) said...

Thanks for a good laugh this morning! You must need as many chuckles as you can get since I'm assuming your packing! 18 days and counting...

Elaray said...

Wow. You'll never be able to sell you house once potential buyers know zombies are in the area. And I'd be very careful about who I let look at the house! ;)

Anna Christina said...

This is fantastic! I think it is a "sign" that your move was destined.

Clio said...

Not sure how you folks up north are preparing, but here in the good ole US of A, we've got a government that apparently takes Zombie Apocalypse preparedness seriously...

Thanks for the giggle!

patsijean said...

There are Zombies in Kentucky also. They are everywhere it seems.

Zombie said...

"It's a guarantee that some dumb ass will have a zombie bite that they don't tell you about. And then, 30 minutes later, you're the main course at a brain buffet." - It is always like that :)