
Lacquer Lundi
On Mondays, I plan on sharing swatch pictures of the polishes I wear during the week. My favourite brands range from the inexpensive drug store variety to the pricier labels. So, would anyone be interest in this? Take the poll on the side bar and let me know (the poll closes on Monday, March 16th). If you have any additional comments, feel free to add those as well.
I can get sewing and nail polish reviews?!?! I too have tripled my polish collection this year alone. I'm not even bothering with wearing work appropriate colors anymore! Yay!!
Sure, why not? I can't seem to keep nail polish on my fingers, but it's almost pedi time here!
I would totally appreciate nail polish reviews--it's one cosmetic that I can actually justify paying more than $5 a pop for, since I'll actually use and enjoy it everyday!
Neat idea!
I second Cidell's suggestion for a review ie brand name, color name/number, price and how it wore that week (though you might have to mention that in the next LL post).
I love nail polish too!
I'd recognize a beagle nose from a mile away! LOL!! I used to be obsessed with nail polish. Now, I just keep my nails natural. OPI was my fave.
I'm glad to see you posting again! Yes, I'd love to see the nail polish! I would love to have the time to keep polish on my nails. You'd think because I'm not teaching this year, I'd be less busy. Yeah right.
Looking at you Link list, I see you, too have discovered nail polish blogs...who knew? Are they not TDF? I could spend all day surfing...and then shopping. So, why not a sewing AND Lacquer blog? The 2 things I love the most!:) Ugh! I need more hours in the day!
I would love to know how you manage to use nail polish and keep your nails. If I put polish on even once my nails are wrecked until they regrow (so about 6 months). I am not sure if my nails hate the polish or the remover. But they go dry, they split and are just plain yucky. Yet I love the look of well kept polished nails....sigh.
Look at that cute little nose!! Love it. :)
And yes, yes!! to nail polish reviews! I LOVE polish, the cooler, funkier the colors the better!
I love Simon and I love nail polish but the polish following the cute little nose was a bit confusing visually.
I voted "yes" too!
I love Simon's nose! I love that you got such a good close up. His nose is adorable.
I would love to see the nail polish reviews. I do a horrible job with my nails - but love having my toes done up. g
I'd rather not see nail polish swatches - there's lots of material out there about how it's not healthy (including evidence that it may cause birth defects). I do love beautiful colors though. . .
Re Simon's nose: Shannon you may be interested in the Beagle Brigade, trained, working beagles, with great sniffers (as you well know) who work with their USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service handlers at airports and ports of entry. Their job is to sniff out contraband, i.e. prohibited agricultural products that persons who are entering the United States, try to smuggle into the country, which violates US domestic quarantines and laws. Trained beagles are the most effective sniffers (of any dog breed) and can smell fruit/vegetables/meat, etc. that may be wrapped in many layers of plastic inside a suitcase or on a person.
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