5 May 2008

SWAP Results

Here are the results of SWAP 2008. I am struck by the variety of locales represented in this list - SWAP is bringing together nations. It's like the U.N. of sewing!

First Place - Laura P. in Bucarest, Romania

Second Place - Shannon M. in LaSalle, Ontario, Canada

Third Place - Maria G. in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Fourth Place -Johanna L. in Goteberg, Sweden

Fifth Place - Heather D. in Wellington, New Zealand

I was flabbergasted that I took second place. Seeing as today is my birthday, I can't imagine a better present!!

I want to extend a congratulations to everyone that was involved with SWAP 2008 - this was a most successful year. Most of all, I want to thank Julie, of Timmel Fabrics, for sponsoring this event. Over the last few years, she has changed how I approach my sewing and I am indebted to her.

Now, if I can shake the nasty cold I have right now, I will be diving into warm weather sewing over the next few weeks. I have so many ideas...I better get crackin'.


Vicki said...

Congratulations! Well deserved. Oh, and happy birthday to you!:))

Becky said...

Congrats! And happy birthday! Hope the cold goes away soon.


WOW!! Congratulations!

NancyDaQ said...

Happy birthday and congratulations on the contest! I loved your Jackie inspired collection this year.

Linda said...

Happy Birthday and Contgratulations. What a birthday present!

I hope you crack that head cold soon. I know it is not fun.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday and congratulations on your SWAP prize , well deserved.

Claire said...

Congratulations and Happy Birthday! Your SWAP is beautiful and the win is well-deserved.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday and congratulations on your win! I love your wardrobe. Hope you are feeling better soon. g

Kristin said...

Happy Birthday and Congratulations! You are so very talented. I love your design sense and the workmanship is beautiful. I found your blog through Rachelle's blog and I am glad I stopped by. I will be back!

kbenco said...

Happy Birthday and congratulations.

loopylulu said...

Congratulations and Happy Birthday!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!!
Get Well Soon!!!

(I need you to start some other fabulous thing so my vicarious sewing can continue!?)


PS there is an airline called Zoom that flies direct from Scotland to Canada, I'm fairly near the flight path for Glasgow Airport and whenever I see those blue planes I think about you!

Berry said...

Congratulations, you deserve it and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

LauraLo said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Shannon and many happy returns! Congrats for the prize, enjoy your day!

Johanna Lu said...

Happy birthday and congratulations on your swap-success! Great work!

Lisette M said...

Congratulations Shannon!It is very well deserved. I hope you feel better soon.

Christina said...

How wonderful! You really deserve it - your wardrobe is a-ma-zing.

Summerset said...

Congratulations and Happy Birthday, too! What a nice gift - the prize of more fabric!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations and happy birthday!!!

Kitty Couture said...

Congratulations, Shannon, and happy birthday!

Carolyn (Diary of a Sewing Fanatic) said...

Okay I was like hovering over the site trying to see if you'd won and when I knew for sure that you'd placed, I left a message in your prior post!

Gurl you did the d*mn thing, as my DD would say! *LOL*

Happy Birthday and get well soon!

Anonymous said...

Hope that you had a wonderful birthday and will be rid of the cold soon. Congratulations on your SWAP win. I love your collection.

Tany said...

Congratulations for this well deserved prize (your collection was one of my favorites and I was antecipating that you'd be one of the winners!) and HAPPY BIRTHDAY a few days late (I'm also a Taurus, lol, we have this more in common!)

SmileDog Stitches said...

Congratulations!!! I'm not a bit flabbergasted! Not surprised in the slightest. Well done! And a very happy birthday to you. I hope you feel better soon.

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS! And happy Birthday too! The accolades are so very much deserved!

a little sewing said...

Shannon, your creations are beautiful and inspiring. Congratulations!

Gwen said...

Congratulations! I'm not surprised at all - your wardrobe was incredible! :)
And Happy Birthday! :)