9 December 2007

LH Cowl Neck Top & European Pants

A couple of posts ago, I invited you into my fabric closets and this prompted a few questions that I forgot to answer in my last post. So, better late than never, I always say:
  • nancy k said, "My question for you is do you have this all indexed?"
Being the "Queen of All that is Obsessive Compulsive", of course I do. I use an Excel spreadsheet to keep track of all my fabric. I have cells for Fabric Description, Fiber Content, Width ("), Length (m), Fabric In (m), Fabric Out (m), Fabric Remaining (m), Use, Pattern Used, Vendor, Cost per Meter, Cost per Piece, Total Cost (incl. taxes & shipping). When fabric is purchased online, I enter it into the database and highlight the name, so I can find it quickly and check it off when the box arrives. When fabric is completely used, I gray out the name. This allows me to quickly see what fabric I have on hand, what fabric is due to arrive and what fabric is gone. I also include pattern suggestions on this page so I don't forget which fabric is to be used for which garment. I have included a screen shot of a portion of my set up (just click on the image to make it larger).

  • Isabelle said, "Can I come over and play? Please :)"
Isabelle, you are always more than welcome to come by and play. I would be honoured if all my sewing friends could visit and then we could go fabric shopping together!!

  • Anonymous said, "Quick question for you - do you do anything special to help protect your wools from the dreaded moths?"
I have never had a problem with moths. They don't seem to be a problem where I live. Also, I tend to wash most of my fine fabrics in Eucalan, which is supposed to naturally deter moths and fleas.

  • Tiara said, "I was wondering if you use some sort of folding template to get your folded fabrics to be of uniform width."
I don't use a folding template, I just eye-ball it.

Thank you all so much for leaving such kind comments, I love reading each response. I hope that I answered all the questions. So, on to my latest creations:

: LH Cowl Neck Top (view A) & European Pants (view B)

: Both patterns comes in sizes XXS to XXL - I made XXS for the Cowl Neck Top & XS for the European Pants.

Fabric: Teal Boucle Knit from Fabricland and Brown Ottoman from Lucy's Fabrics.

Project Photo

: These are items number ten and number eleven for my fall/winter wardrobe. Originally, the top was to be the LH V-neck top and the pants were to be V2989, but I have been wanting to make the Cowl Neck top for a while now, so I changed my mind. As for the pants, I decided to go with a pattern I had made before after my issues with V2989 a few weeks ago.

Both these patterns have been made a million times before and reviewed just about as many times on PR, so I don't have much to add to what has already been said. However, I did want to send out a huge thank-you to Diane Egelston. She posted a tip on PR a while ago on how to remove excess fabric from beneath the butt. I have always had this problem with my pants, but I had never been able to correct it. Thanks to Diane's tip, I think I'm going to conquer this saggy butt problem. I made the alteration on this pair of pants and although they are not perfect, they are much improved. So, cheers to Diane!!

Conclusion: I have made the Euros before and I have always liked them, but this pair is my best yet. As for the top, I got a bunch of compliments when I wore it to work the other day, so it's a keeper! I will be making this one again and again - I love it.


Anonymous said...

Still waiting to see the off hanger shots with Simon in them! The cowl looks great. I'm gonna guess the pants do too. g

Vicki said...

Mmm, love your spreadsheet!

The cowl top looks warm and cuddly.

Summerset said...

LOL about the spreadsheets. We have a few OCD people in our house, so I completely understand.

Anonymous said...

I should have guessed after seeing your closet that you have an exemplary organization system. I always wondered how you knew how much fabric in and out. I was so proud of myself for finally getting all my fabrics on index cards. I do like to play with them. But you have inspired me to make up a spread sheet. Thanks for showing it. I don't know if I can be as anal about it as your are, but it is worth a try and I do like spread sheets.
Oh, and I like your outfit. Nice color combo. How does the top fit in the shoulders?

Lisa Laree said...

Your spreadsheet looks remarkably similar to my spreadsheet!

I can't imagine how I kept track of my stash before the computer...but then, I only had a couple of boxes; before the computer, I didn't buy fabric off the 'net like there was no tomorrow... ;)

Anonymous said...

Hi Shannon - love the top - that colour is beautiful. Can yyou answer a questionsfor me? I'm a European ( London) and don't understand what is European about these pants - can you explain? Thanks Avril, in London

Anonymous said...


I think the pants are NAMED "European Pants"--not a name given them by Shannon, but by Lois Hinse herself, the designer of the patterns.

But I do have a vague memory of reading somewhere that women's trousers are cut somewhat differently in countries outside the US. I never fact checked that, but perhaps it's true.

Shannon--your outfit is up to your usual standard of loveliness!!

Nancy Winningham said...

Even though I am considered the "tech guru" at my school, my method for keeping track of all my fabric is very low tech. I may have to rethink this - but I know I would still keep my binder of cards and swatches, so can I add one more thing??

Nancy Winningham said...

Can you tell me what columns D, E, and F are and how you have them set up? Is this how you are keeping track of in and out?

Carolyn (Diary of a Sewing Fanatic) said...

Okay I am like in total awe of you...a freakin' spreadsheet! Mygoodness...I am just not that organized!

Can I second the "I'm ready for a Shannon photo shoot" comment! I mean if I have to take off my clothes and pose...the least you can do for me is the same! *LOL*

LauraLo said...

Great looking garments and they must be so comfy! Love the color of the top.

Anonymous said...

Um, am I the only one who clicked on the spreadsheet link and then tried to scroll to see more? lol MAN alive, that's some good OCD there. At least you're using your powers for good and not evil. ;-) Love the top - the color will look smashing on you!

Kitty Couture said...

Shannon, thanks for the offer! I'll keep it in mind. LOL

Love the cowl neck, its style, colour and cosiness, and I can't wait to see how the pants fit you. Can't wait to see your new outfit worn, as well as the rest of your wardrobe!

Kitty Couture said...

Just had a closer look at your spreadsheet and it is quite something! I love being organized too, I feel out of control when I'm not. I love to plan my future projects and keep track of my wishlist, but this is much better. Making spreadsheets like yours of my patterns and fabric should be my resolution for 2008.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful top and great looking pants. I love Lois Hinse patterns and the color is such a deep turquoise. I love jewel tones. Was the upper arm tight in the sleeve? Your spreadsheet is very interesting.

Tany said...

I love the top and most of all, its color! I bought some fabric in the same color in Paris to make a Vogue jacket! I hope I am able to have it made for this season!

angie.a said...

That sweater is beautiful. I love the color!!

marysews said...

I just found your post with your fabric spreadsheet. If you click on row 2 and select Window > Freeze you will always see the column headers.