On to the pretties:
NARS - Purple Rain
- purchased at Sephora for $23.00 CDN
Purple Rain was a splurge on my part - I don't normally shell out $23 on nail enamel, but the colour drew me in and I laid down the money. Purple Rain is a reddish purple base with copper shimmer that gives the polish a gorgeous beetle shell look.
Purple Rain applied well and covered completely in two coats. However, it did not wear really well on me. The day after I put it on, I was doing some (gloveless) housework and after having my hand in or around water for half an hour, the polish started to peel off in sheets. I know I was a bit harsh on the polish, but I have never had this happen before. To say I expected more from a $23 polish is an understatement. I will give this polish another shot on a non-housekeeping day and hopefully it will hold up better.
Orly - Purple Crush
- purchased at Sally Beauty Supply for $5.99 CDN
Purple Crush is not normally a colour to which I am drawn. But, sometimes I crave something different and on one particular day, while browsing at Sally, this polish insisted that it had to come home with me. Well, I'm glad it did. Let's get one thing straight, though - Purple Crush is in no way, shape or form a purple colour. Rather, it is a neon hot pink. Talk about a perfect summer colour.
Purple Crush applied nicely. It did require three coats for opacity (although if you click on the photo, you can see that it is still a little sheer in places) and this slowed down the dry time. It wore well - only tip wear after two days.
Sally Hansen Nail Prisms - Pink Rose Diamond
- purchased at eBay for $3.99 US

Pink Rose Diamond applied wonderfully and covered opaquely in two coats. It had decent wear - I had tip wear after two days.
Sally Hansen Nail Prisms - Golden Tourmaline
- purchased at eBay for $3.99 US
Golden Tourmaline is the sister of the above polish that leans more toward coral-pink. However, it is still jam packed with holographic goodness. You should see this polish in the Sun - it is breathtakingly gorgeous.
Golden Tourmaline performed the same as the above polish. Great application, two coat coverage, tip wear after two days.
Oh, yeah, they discontinued the one I really loved - that last one! Sigh. Maybe I'll find it by digging around a bit on the internet.
AHhahaha! I just realized that "Lundi" is a day of the week. English is not my native language so I just figured it was another word for "crazy" or the like. I guess I should have chosen French instead of Spanish in high school. :-)
It was worth waiting for the post. I love your pricy purple and wish nail prisms was still available. How's the running program going?
You should try CND polishes. I have been wearing an almost black for 14 days now and today is the first day I see signs of tip wear!
I still can't get over what nicely shaped nails you have! I'm lovin the prisms. Now if only I would try them on myself!
I have been lusting after Purple Rain. Nars Chinatown is a favorite, and it wears really well.
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