Here is a sneak preview of the finished garment. I won't be posting pictures of this new creation being worn by me until I have the whole outfit put together. I actually have a bunch of sweaters (check them out below - you may have guessed that I buy in bulk when I find something I like!) winging their way to me from Land's End as I type. Some of them will coordinate with this skirt, while others are meant to finish off future ensembles. Either way, I loves me some Land's End sweaters. Hopefully, the green ones will look as fab with the skirt in real life as they do in my mind's eye.
So, it looks like my journey to "emma-ulate" Ms. Pillsbury's style has begun...
Is that skirt pretty or what?! Can't wait to see the finished outfit :)
Love that fabric! I made Butterick 5209 http://butterick.mccall.com/b5209-products-7476.php?page_id=371
out of it and it is one of my favorite Spring into Summer dresses! Good start to the Emmafication project!
I want that fabrc!!! I would wear it with green. I even have the shoes to go with it; a pink and green wedge with a pink and green flower on the front. That sounds awful, but it's really just two flower shapes cut out in leather, the pink is larger and on the bottom, the green is smaller and on top. It's really a very stylised flower, like the one in the print. Oh and I have a green and pink straw bag that would work as well.
How cute is that skirt!!! It will look great with so many sweaters. I have looked at that pattern a few times, now I may just get it. Can't wait to see you in the skirt.
Great skirt- I love that fabric! I can't wait to see the finished ensemble!
I love the pleating! I picked up the pattern after seeing your last post. Hopefully mine will turn out as nice as yours. I can't wait to see the final outfit. :)
I'm eager to see it on you as I have a skirt out of the same fabric and have yet to find the right color top to wear with it. (FYI - A woman once complimented me on my skirt and told me she'd seen that fabric used in a garment at Talbots.)
I love the fabric used with the pattern. Perfect!
How pretty is that skirt??? Where did you get the fabric?? I have been looking for something like this.
The skirt is looking great! It looks like it will go with a couple of the sweaters.
I totally squealed when I opened this post! That print is TDF! I can't wait to see it all put together with the top. :)
I have this pattern almost finished- lost one of the pieces, then set it aside. Found the lost fabric, but never got back to it. Thanks for reminding me!
Joining in the fabric love. Cute skirt!
Hi Shannon. I have ordered that pattern so really wanted to see your version. It looks great I can't wait to see it being modelled. Good look on the rest of your emmafication!
Okay the skirt is just tooooo cute and one of those sweaters has to coordinate with it! Can't wait to see you "Emmafified!"
It will be fabulous! I can't wait to see it put together. g
Cute skirt and what a lovely fabric choice!
Ooh, PRETTY!! Dang woman, you're fast. I hope I have that pattern in stash...I know I "think" I do, but so far I'm not having luck finding it.
what a pretty skirt... Where did you get the fabric samples.
Gorgeous skirt! Don't you just love this pattern? I've made this once and I plan to make it again, maybe dress it up in a silk dupioni. Yours is fab!
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