For such a small word, it certainly can send you reeling. When you hear the C word, it's all you can do to focus, to listen, to process. This tiny word has the power to suck all the wind out of you, to drain all happiness.
I put down the phone and told my husband the news. I googled "mast cell tumour dog." I learned more than I wanted to know. Then, I curled up on the couch with Simon and cried - quietly enough not to alert my husband. Or so I thought. But, he found us and he cried too.
It all started the end of May, when Simon began vomiting every few days. I was scared. After all, Simon is an older dog. The vet diagnosed an ulcer and gave him meds to allow it to heal. All was well for a few weeks and then it started up again. I was scared again. The vet mentioned that mast cell tumours can cause ulcers. Now, I was terrified. The vet did thin needle aspirations of Simon's lumps and bumps. Simon has had a long history of lipomas, which are harmless fatty growths, so I hoped the results would come back benign as usual. No such luck.
Simon is now recuperating from the removal of two mast cell tumours and a growth on his eyelid. The vet was optimistic afterward, but I still asked that the tumours be sent out for grading. I haven't heard back yet. So, I have been on pins and needles all week, trying to keep my active boy calm so he can heal and waiting for the report. I just want this to all go away.
So, if you have any good vibes to spare, please send them to Simon.
Hugs to you and Simon!!! I will be sending healing energy to Simon and keeping you all in my prayers! Mary
All my love Simon!! And they do say there is power in positive thinking so keep the good thoughts flowing Shannon. My kitties are sending their positive meows your way too :O)
Whatever warm, bright light I have extra... I'm sending to Simon and you. Best, Kate.
My heart is with your family and Simon, along with my prayers!!
Oh no Simon & Shannon, hugs to you both....I sure hope the report comes back with some positive news. Simon feel better soon.
MANY good vibes coming from us and the 3 cats. I just know the results will be good!
Shannon, I am so sorry to hear about Simon's condition. I hope and pray he is better soon.
Oh, poor Simon! I hope the treatments help him.
Oh, poor, poor Simon. I hope that the test results bring good news and that Simon will be recovering soon.
I'll be sending good vibes and prayers your way. Hang in there. I would wish it was all over too. Just for answers that it's all gone.
Oh Shannon - I'm so very sorry. I know how hard it is to keep an active dog quiet. All the prayers and good wishes in blogland worked wonders for two of mine. I'll now send all of mine to you.
Give him lots of hugs and kisses on his snout from us. Hang in there. g
Sorry sorry to hear about Simon. Sending healing thoughts your way.
I'm sending good thoughts your way. Our Rottweiler, Dolly, had a mast cell tumor removed at the age of 6. The Vet warned me that others would likely appear, and we kept and very close eye on her. She never had another one (that we knew of anyway). At 9 she had a knee ligament break--surgery for repair; at 10, the other knee ligament break--surgery for repair; at 11 a disc in her neck ruptured--surgery for repair; and she lived to be 14 when her heart finally gave out. I called her my million dollar dog (from all the surgeries). hugs to both of you!
I'm sending good thoughts to Simon. I hope that he makes a complete recovery.
Rose in SV
All my good thoughts are going to Simon. My beagle, who is 9 1/2 years old has a few of those fatty tissue lumps. I wonder if it is a beagle thing or all dogs get it as they get older.
I really feel for you. I have shed so many tears upon hearing news such as you did. Just try to keep positive and hug Simon as much as possible.
I'm so sorry. Sending good vibes to you and Simon.
CarlaF-in Atlanta
Molly (who is part lemon beagle) and I are both sending you and Simon our love and good energy.
we (the cats & me) are wishing Simon good health and healing.
I'm sending good thoughts your way. Good luck.
Sending good thoughts and wishes to Simon. I hope he'll feel better soon. I know how you're feeling. Hugs to you all.
Best wishes to you and Simon. My dog Addie recently had a malignant neurofibrosarcoma removed and I was worried just as you are. Turned out the vet got all the cancer cells so no further treatment was required.
I and my cat, Harry, are sending a bunch of good vibes your way. BTW, Harry doesn't usually care for dogs, but he knows how special Simon is!
Poor Simon. My dog Alf is a very special household member, so I can imagine how worried you were.
My prayers are with your family. I have a rescue beagle and she is a character. Our pets have such personality and bring joy to our day. Stay positive. Hope to hear good news.
Thoughts are with you for good news and a speedy recovery. Pets are so very special.
Our fur children are very special to us. I hope Simon's surgery is a success. Good luck and best wishes.
Our 9 year old beagle Daisy has had lipomas in the past so when she had another lump and then a seizure, I didn't know what to think. Her mast cell tumor was just removed. Her stitches came out last week. Luckily it turned out to be a low grade one with clear margins so we'll do careful checks frequently since our vet says beagles are predisposed to them, but the outlook it good. She did GREAT with the surgery and we hope Simon does just as well!
Oh Shannon, I'm so sorry to read what you had to say about darling Simon. Here's a big hug to you and I'll pray the sugery will go well and he'll be home and feeling like his old self soon.
Hopefully Simon will be fine. He's a cutie for sure!
Dear Sweet Shannon I am saying extra prayers for our Simon tonight. Keep us posted dear one.
Many Hugs,
I am so sorry. Give your sweet boy a hug for me. My boys are sending lots of doggie zen Simon's way, and I will keep you and Simon in my thoughts and prayers.
austin, Pongo, and Buddy
Good and quick healing to Simon. Dogs are such faithful friends.
Rocco, Darla, Evie and I (my 3 pets) are sending get well wishes to Simon and keeping him in our prayers.
What??!!?? Darn. Patch and Gaely send their strong love to Simon and I send my (constantly tested and tried) strength and positive thoughts to you. Dogs live in the moment so I hope you can, too. Thank goodness vets know so much more about canine cancer these days. Here's hoping that you all can keep your chins and muzzles up.
Shannon, this comes delayed as I just read this post. Simon seems like a true and beautiful friend. More positive energy coming your way...
Shannon, I am so very sorry to learn Simon has health issues. I fully understand how you feel and will keep all 3 of you in my thoughts and prayers.
Sending all our best purrs to Simon, the Thunderpaws Tribe (Otto, Claire, Puck and Max).
We (Otto & Claire) remember our doggie companions well. We hope Simon makes a full recovery, and has many more sunset years.
Please give Simon the biggest hug and postive thoughts from me, I would be devestated if I had this news for my border collie as he is my fur baby.
Look afer yourself as well.
A BIG hug for Simon. I hope all is well. I have been through this more times than I care so I know how you feel.
My heart goes out to Simon and you and your hubby. I hope all is well in your world soon. I just love the pic of Simon you have on your blog - he looks so sweet, curious and wise.
Best healing vibes for Simon and anti-stress vibes to you and the husband.
Get well soon, Simon!
I'm so sorry to hear this. :(
{{hugs}} to you and Simon.
I'm sending positive vibes to you and your little guy...
Shannon - I have just been acquainted with your blog from G Marie. This is my second comment post. I love all of your sewing and lacquer posts but I'm especially drawn to the ones about Simon because I'm a dog lover. I'm so sorry to hear about Simon's current health issue. I am sending all the best to you all the way from Austin, Texas.
Gaylen sent us. We too have an elderly dog, and the fear of losing him is always in the back of my mind. Best wishes for Simon's recovery.
I read about Simon on Gaylen's blog. I know how scared you must be right now. My Morgan and Samba both get lots of lumps and bumps and the vet is forever checking them and removing some. So far we've been lucky and they've all been OK.
We send eleven big wishes for a quick and total recovery from me and all ten dogs.
I found your blog from Gaylen's and just dropped by to let you know that you and Simon are in our thoughts. I have been through this particular sucker punch 9 years ago with one of my brittanys, and am sending good vibes your way.
Oh by all means I am sending Simon all of the healing and good health vibes I can - Shiloh'n Shasta would send them too if they knew how. If you see this message and look at my blog -
you will see that my Beagles are to me the way Simon is to you. Each of mine have a special place in my heart and mean so much to me. No, my Beaglebratz are not "just dogs" - they are living and breathing creatures that God has entrusted me with their care. They are my babies and kids - who just happen to walk on four paws and are furry. I am sending all the good wishes I have to offer to you, hubby and of course - to Simon.
I read about Simon over on Gaylen's blog..... sending loads of good vibes your way! Hugs to you and Simon...
Poor little guy! Thinking positive thoughts for Simon and you and your husband.
Sorry I'm late to the post, but best wishes sent to Simon from me and from my mature poodle, Brandy. If we were closer, Brandy would give Simon a nice woof and a lick to help him heal.
OH my goodness! I cannot imagine what you might be going through. My mom (gaylen) had posted on her blog today that your family could use a little good loving sent your way, so that's what I'm here to do. I hope it all goes well, and I will be wishing your handsome Simon well!
I sure hope all of this does go away soon!
O this is so hard. I've been through 4 dogs. Each one was so special to me, and I hope they all are in a high place in heaven cause they were all great dogs. I spoil myself with the wonderful creatures, and the minute one passes, I can't be without that companionship, so I immediately get a new one. It abates the loss of the old one a little, but it doesn't take away the memory, and before I know it, I'm into training, the new puppy is so lively and has a whole new cute set of likes dislikes that I'm enchanted all over again.
In the meantime, I have a great vet, who has said to me more than once when I've had to put down a pet, this is something that we can do for our pet to make their life less miserable.
I'm so sorry for you and your pet. It's such a sad time.
If anyone knows how you feel right now, I do!!!! I got that same sucker punch a couple of weeks ago when Sunny had 3 surgeries and was diagnosed with a very rare fungus that requires extremely expensive treatment that may or may not work. If it doesn't work the fungus is fatal. (go over to purlingoldens.blogspot.com for details.
I am one of those people that thinks more of my dogs than of most people. I would throw myself in front of a train to save her.
The good blog Karma and prayers from my friends both 'real' and 'virtual' have helped get us thru this and have her on her way to recovery.
I will add you and Simon to my list of prayers.
Sending thoughts and good vibes to the three of you, Shannon.
Shannon, my black lab (Tootsie Jane) and I are friends of Gaylen's. We are sending healing, positive thoughts to your sweet Simon.......Shelley in OH
Sending good thoughts your way for Simon's health. I have been in this situation before with my dog Kata and know how devastating it is. Hope it all works out well for you.
I'm just catching up on my blog reading after a week away, and 10 kitties and I send very best wishes to Simon (and you and your husband). Give him lots and lots of kisses for all of us. They have great medicinal value, and besides, Simon just has the kind of face that's even cuter when he's saying, "Awww, mom, knock it off! Too many kisses!"
Please keep us updated on the little man's condition, and take care of yourself, too.
Just catching up after moving, but the Atkinson crew- Moxie the Horrible Rat Dog, Moose the Great Dane and Gina Gina Dogface all send their most "pawsitive" thoughts to you and Simon.
I found you through another blog. Please know that my heart is with yours and that I know all too well the pain in your gut and the sorrow in your soul.
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