Now, on to the pretties:
Finger Paints - Copper Elements
- purchased at Sally Beauty Supply for $4.99 CDN

As with all the Finger Paints polish I have used, Copper Elements applied extremely well. It flowed on smoothly and spread evenly. I only needed two coats to achieve a nice opaqueness. It also wore very well. After two days, I only had very minor tip wear. I wish Finger Paints had a few more interesting colours (enough with the pinks, corals and mauves already), as I really like this line.
Sally Hansen Hard as Nails Xtreme Wear - Celeb City
- purchased at Rexall (chain drug store) for $2.99 CDN

Celeb City was a breeze to apply. Two thin coats covered the nail to a perfect finish. The wear was quite good too - just tip wear after two days and it was barely noticeable because of the sparkliness (yep, I think I just made up a word) of this pretty polish.
Sally Hansen Hard as Nails Xtreme Wear - Ocean View & Shooting Star
- both purchased at Rexall (chain drug store) for $2.99 CDN each

Ocean View was a dream to apply and was opaque in two coats. Shooting Star on the other hand was a bit thick and gloppy and required a bit of patience to even out on the nail. I will be adding thinner to this polish to allow it to flow more smoothly next time.
Despite any minor difficulties with application, this manicure was stunning. Pretty indoors and spectacular in the sun outdoors. The only problem is that the glitter requires two thick coats of top coat to diminish the bumpy fell on the surface of the nail. But, it's well worth the extra effort in my opinion. So gorgeous!
BB Couture - Prenuptial
- purchased at for $9.00 US

Prenuptial was a dream to apply. It flowed on easily and covered in two thin coats. It also wore well - only minor tip wear after two days.
I LOVE that Prenuptial and Copper Elements.
Prenuptial is gorgeous!
The bronze and silver will be perfect for fall colors.
OOOOOH! I love the Copper Elements!
I don't know which I like the most. They all look lovely on you.
I put a colour almost the same as copper elements on my fingers and it looked WRONG on me, but it's lovely on you. I have Celeb City on my toes as we speak ...
Copper Elements wins this heart!
I love prenuptual, an awesome colour.
Oooo, I LOVE Finger Paints! I have several in my collection and they are all a joy to apply. My current favorite for my toes is Watermelon Watercolor. It's a creamy (non-neon) hot pink. Nothing unusual or special about the color, but I just love it! I might have to try Copper Elements- it looks fabulous!
Mmmm . . I'm a red fan, of course, but the silvers/coppers/tans are really hitting the right buttons.
Oooh, love your metallics. I think that bronze may be my favorite thing of all the polishes you've shown (apparently I have expensive taste).
What great fall colors!!! I love them all :)
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