I went to see my Mom today and when we got there she was wide awake, completely alert and most of the tubes and IVs had been removed. She was doing so well, as a matter of fact, that they were in the process of transferring her out of ICU into a regular room. We were told that she would likely be in ICU for 3 to 4 days, so I was quite surprised that 1.5 days after her surgery she was well enough to go to the regular neurology floor. She is talking and smiling and all I can say is whew! I know the next few days may offer up some setbacks, but right now, things are definitely looking good. I only hope that she continues to improve like this.
Again, I am so grateful to all of you for such amazing support. I just wish I could hug you all in person because you have made me feel so much less alone during this whole ordeal. Thank you all.
Hopefully, over the next few days, I can get back to some regular blogging as I have a bunch of stuff I wanted to share with you that was finished prior to all the hoopla.
Glad to hear she's doing better.
So glad to hear about your mom's progress. Hope everything continues to go well.
Shannon - thanks for keeping us updated! I so appreciate it and I am soooooo glad that your mom is doing so well!
Great news....but still praying :)
What a difficult time for you and your family. I'll continue praying for peace for you and full recovery for your mother.
How wonderful to be out of ICU so quickly...still praying for you all.
good to read that she is making good progress and it will only get better, keep the faith.
Wonderful news!
See, now what you do is pick a piece of fabric from your stash, one each to represent each of us (mine would be tartan, of course, or a nice strong green, def no pink ;-) ) and then you hug your fabric!! :-D
I'm so glad your mum is pulling through. What a relief.
That's great to hear! Good thoughts are still sent your way for a continuing recovery.
So happy about your mother. Both my parents had open heart surgery and those tubes and machines are pretty scary, but fortunately she was only on them for a short time.
What good news! Still keeping you both in my prayers.
I, too, am wishing you mom a speedy recovery. Seems to me that she has a lot of spirit, like her lovely daughter!
I am so glad that she is doing so well! I will continue to pray for you both.
Sounds like your Mom is doing amazingly well! I'm so glad to hear it and, of course, will keep you both in my thoughts as she continues to recover...
I'm so happy for you & your mom Shannon! It is such a blessing to hear that she is doing so well! I'll still keep you both in my thoughts & prayers.
YAAAAAAAAAA!! Great news, Shannon!
You and your mom continue in my thoughts.
Best wishes!
So glad to hear your mom is doing well. I know all too well the fuzzy nether world that you enter when a loved one is so ill. You are a true friend to all of us who read you blog...just glad our words offer some comfort to you.
Glad to hear the news on your Mum is so positive.
Hig Hugs to you and your family Shannon.
I am so happy to read that your Mom is getting better. I will keep her and you in my prayers.
Shannon, I hope your mom is still doing well. I'll continue to pray for her.
Wow, Shannon, I hope your Mom continues to do well and that everyone can keep up the good spirits.
Shannon I just read your posts about your Mom. Good luck. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery. It sounds like your Mom is one tough cookie to go through that long of surgery and then be able to bounce back quicker than they drs. expected.
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