Okay, now back to reality. My surgery went well yesterday, although I am sporting 9 more holes in my body today than I was yesterday. The anaesthesiologist had a fourth year medical student with him. The medical student was told to start my IV and after two attempts in my left hand, then two attempts in my left elbow, the anaesthesiologist took over and finally got the IV into my right hand (if you're counting at home, we're up to 5 holes). Two other holes were created in my abdomen for the medical equipment (the gas tube and the laparoscope), one hole on the left hip was from the morphine shot afterward and I have one mystery hole on my left shoulder (I have no idea what that one was for). Oh yeah, did I mention that I have a terrible phobia of needles (I know, the irony of a seamstress with a fear of needles is not lost on me)? So, being used as a pin cushion all day long was really stressful. Besides that though, I came through with flying colours. Today, I am really sore (as can be expected), but I figure I'll be feeling good enough to mess around with my new serger tomorrow or the next day. All I have to say right now is thank goodness for codeine!!
So glad to hear that you came through okay. Hope the day of holes solves the problems you were having :) g
Glad you're doing ok!
Your holes remind me of all the electrode patches I found on my body after my last surgery. They told me I'd find a "few". Six or later, I thought I had a new disease.
I've had similar laproscopic procedures--you will be better soon!
Have fun with that new serger- you will be amazed at what you can do with the new ones!
Hey, please put me on the list of people for your new country. (Although I've said I'll never move again, I can make an exception.) Your sewing room plan looks awesome! Now, you've given me some ideas. I just finished mine (lucky me!) so hubbie may kill me (at least grumble a bit). BTW, hospital staff know to do extra needle pokes to people who hate needles the most. Most of the time, they can't find my veins - just pretend they are looking. I'm glad to hear that you are recovering. You're dreaming wonderful sewing things so that's a good sign.
I'm so glad to hear you're through the surgery! I hope you feel better soon!
The only time I had surgery, I told the nurses I was uncomfortable with needles, and they went and got their most talented sticker--she had it in and didn't even know she had done it! I'm sorry you got stuck (ha!) with the med student. Maybe if you have to do something similar you could cry a little to get sympathy and request only the pros get close with the needles?
Shannon, I'm sorry your hospital experience was so stressful but glad everything turned out for the best in the end.
Your heaven makes me completely dream. You can totally count me in on this. I would drop everything and come over at a second's notice.
I love your vision of Sewtopia! I also love your sewing room layout. Is that a real plan, your real sewing studio or a wonderful dream?
I'm glad to hear that your surgery went well. Although, I am sorry to hear about your pincushion experience. I understand holes...I think I had at least 9 or 10 from my laparoscopic gall bladder surgery earlier this year. It took them at least 4-5 tries to get the IV in. I called myself a human pincushion for at least a month...
On a much happier note, I LOVE your studio utopia. It is heavenly. I strive to one day have such a space.
I am glad you came out of the surgery in one piece (even if that piece does contain holes...).
And count me in to come to this new place! I hope that plan is the plan for your new sewing room in the house you are planning to build? I am impressed with the area allocated to the stash - perfect!
Shannon, your dream studio is the BEST! I want one! I thought that my sewing room was pretty good, but this one is simply superb! Best wishes with your surgery recovery (by the way - the hole in your shoulder is from a "gas drain" which lets out some of the gas they'd pumped into your abdomen - without it you can get shocking pain in your shoulder until the gas dissipates).
Glad you're doing well. A country just for sewers. That would be lovely. I hate to say this, but my sewing room is almost as big as your dream room. I could use some more stash room and walls would help a lot. I have knee walls and eaves and no full height walls which limits storage.
I am glad that you are doing better as evidenced by that amazing sewing room that we are all drooling over! And I vote for the name of the country as United Fiberdom...yeah, I'd move there in a hot minute...especially if we also had all the latest techie toys...town wired for wireless internet access...all energy saving appliances...and the only cars allowed are the hybrid ones...yeah you can count me in! *LOL*
I'm happy you're OK, I hope you'll be healing well and soon. I have the same acute needle phobia, so I can understand you very well.
I'm officially applying for citizenship of Sewtopia
Shannon, so happy to hear all went well with the surgery! Now for the dream room...I'd like to hear about what kind of sewing rooms people have. I'm always curious about that. Mine has some of the features of your dream room, but not the huge demensions. I used the book "Dream Sewing Spaces" for ideas.
Woo-hoo! I'm so glad you're back and doing well. I've had the same procedure and yes ma'am drugs are your friend but only for a short while:)
Your fantasy sewing room ROCKS!!!! I would so join you in United Fiberdom. Right now I'm in Nosewtopia. After Christmas, watch out stash :)
Take care,
Carla in Atlanta
I'm just glad you're ok! And that dream of yours sounds like Heaven! The Sewing Paradise!
Oh yes, I love the idea of happy sewing continent. Can we have beaches and mountains with snow, too, please?
I love your sewing room and all the windows. I can envision how light and streamlined it would be, because all the fabric is tidily stored in its own room.
Sending feminine support vibes your way. I went through the big surgical answer to feminine misery last summer. Nowadays, I have never felt better. I hope you and your doctors find similar outcome.
Thanks for the cheery post.
Glad to hear you came out of the surgery OK and hope that you are up & about soon-I love your utopian idea.
A new serger can help a woman get over almost anything. What can yours do? I just bought one at the Creative Festival(Toronto) and have been enjoying same.
Trust you are well on the mend and hope to see your latest soon. Healing vibes to you Shannon.
Shannon I am so glad you are on the road to recovery...just in time to celebrate the holidays and the new year and plan 2008 sewing projects. Count me among the new citizens of Sewtopia! Linda M.
Hey, needles in fabric is one thing. Needles being stuck into me is an entirely different case. ;)
Anyway, I do hope your recovery is swift and as painless as possible. And I do love the idea of a sewing utopia!
I'm glad I stumbled across your blog this year--even though your productivity puts me to shame, it's always interesting to see what you come up with. I'll be looking forward to seeing what happens here in 2008!
I'm so glad you are on the mend. I know how you feel. My surgery was just like that. I can still see the scars from the holes that were made when I had mine done. You let a 4th year train on you, never in a million years would that be me. My fear of needles will only allow one stick. When I was younger my mom always said she didn't have to worry about me and hard drugs because she knew how I hate needles. Well I hate drugs too, but needles are at the top of my list. LOL, sorry , just smile.
Can I come over and play in your dream sewing room? I'll bring cake. Get well soon.
Glad you are on the mend, though sore. I can't wait to see and read about your new serger.
Shannon, count me in your Sewtopia country although DH & DD probably wouldn't come with me. Your dream sewing space is absolutely wonderful. I got over my fear of needles when I had to start giving myself daily injections of insulin. During my last hospital stay in July, they couldn't find my veins so they inserted a "pic line" in my upper arm. It didn't hurt and I didn't have to get stuck every few minutes.
By the way, hope you have a Very Merry Christmas and may many Blessings come your way in the New Year.
Glad you are feeling better. When some friends and I (patternreview) met in NY City, we were laughing because so many of us had made similar fabric purchases. I said "well it's a good thing we don't live in the same city" whereupon someone else chimed in"Oh but think of how much FUN we would have"! So I concur that you should develop that new country! I'd be there!
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